How to Get Out of Bed on #BedWeather Days

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It’s been raining non-stop for the past few days and aside from the flooding and traffic, getting out of bed on a raining morning is one of the biggest challenges ever. The warmth and comfort of the bed is just the best alternative to battling it out on the streets, trying to stay as dry as you possibly can.

But if you need to be somewhere else, how do you force yourself to leave your bed? Here are some tips you can try to convince yourself that something else is worth leaving your bed.

1.Prepare the night before.

Prepping your things before you hit the hay will let you have a few more minutes in the bed the following morning. Decide what you want to wear the next day to lessen your worries and frustrations while you try to rush your morning routine. Have the stuff you need to bring all in one place as well so you can just grab them and go.

2. Drink a glass of water before hitting the hay or as soon as you wake up.

Drinking a glass of water before bed will force you to get out of bed in the morning as you have to rush to the CR for some relief. It’ll be hard to get comfortable again in bed once you already got out, so it could be a good way to wake yourself up.

However, if you’re the type who can’t handle fluids at night and tend to wake up during the wee hours to pee, this might not be the best idea. What you can do instead is to drink a glass of water as soon as your alarm goes off. A drink will instantly wake you up and will not let you go back to sleep, helping you get out of bed easily.

3. Place your alarm clock away from you.

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If you think you’ll be having a hard time getting yourself out of bed the next morning, take a preemptive measure and place your alarm clock away from the bed where you can’t reach it without getting out of the covers. This will instantly get you out of bed.

4. Remind yourself why you need to get up already.

There might be tons of reasons why you have to get out of bed in the morning, remind yourself of them and you’ll surely find a way to convince yourself that you can’t stay under the covers all day.

5. Reward yourself a little.
Rewarding yourself could be a great incentive for getting out of bed in the morning. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing, it can be just a nice cup of coffee from your favorite coffee shop or a nice lunch dish. This way, you’ll feel better about getting out of bed in the morning.6. Don’t let yourself reason out for staying in bed.You’ll surely struggle with yourself if you really don’t want to get out of bed, so you’ll need a stronger resolve to convince yourself that there are more important things than staying under the covers.It might be difficult to overcome your attachment to your cozy bed on #bedweather days, but if you need to be somewhere else, you have to do what you can and get yourself moving. Hopefully, these tips will get you going.

How to Wake Up Refreshed and Not Feeling Like a Zombie


For some people, waking up in the morning is one of the hardest things to do. Some chalk it up to the fact that they are not morning people, while others know it’s because they go to bed way too late when they know they have to be up early the next morning. Whatever the cause is, really, waking up groggy and disoriented is an actual thing, but not something you can’t avoid.

Known as “sleep inertia“, waking up groggy in the morning is typically caused by abrupt awakening during REM sleep, which means you have not fully completed your sleep cycle and that you’re not ready to wake up just yet. During REM sleep, you still have high levels of melatonin, which causes sleepiness. This makes waking up abruptly during this sleep stage difficult and disorienting, as the human body is really not too keen on not completing its job.

As feeling groggy is the main effect of sleep inertia, it can pose dangers to a person. Sleep inertia can last from 30 minutes to four hours, which could easily put anyone suffering from it in danger, especially if they have to handle heavy machinery during that time frame.

If you’re someone who tends to suffer from sleep inertia on a regular basis, there are a few things you can do to deal with it. This handy infographic from British retailer My Bed Frames, will provide you a number of options in combating that morning grogginess.

16 Ways to Combat That 'Groggy Morning' Feeling

To learn more about sleep inertia, you can also read this article by the Valley Sleep Center.

Shut Down: 5 Reasons Why You Should Nap

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Ah, naps. Those little slices of bliss in the middle of your chaotic day. It’s truly a wonder how great these short breaks can be, and how much misconception the general populace has for it. If you’re one of the many who think that napping is a waste of precious time, prepare to have the record straightened out.

While there’s a stigma that napping is just an excuse for the lazy to procrastinate more, there are actually tons of benefits that you can get with a short snooze. Especially if done at the right time (typically 1pm to 3 pm for many, but you can also use this nap wheel to find out when your ultimate nap time should be) and in the right amount (10 to 20 minutes are great time durations for power naps at the office), you will surely find great effects such as the following:

1. Heighten alertness.

Naps, even power naps, can give you some rest, allowing your body to recuperate a little and freshen you up. This helps in achieving some level of alertness that can power you through the rest of your day.

2. Increased productivity.

When you’re stressed, it’s likely that you’re not performing at your best. So, why not take a break, nap a little, and give yourself some much needed rest in the midst of chaos. Wake up refreshed and more ready to take on the task at hand.

3. Reduce stress.

According to experts, a nap is the best solution for getting stressed, as it lowers the amount of stress hormones. It can also help you get better reigns of your emotions, allowing you to handle frustrating situations better. So, make sure to at least try to doze off the next time you’re starting to get stressed in the middle of the day.

4. Boost creativity.

Experts say that instead of stressing on and burning yourself out on a task, taking a step back and resting a little will help you gain some new perspective and ideas. This is why taking a nap is perfect right in the middle of a busy workday. Just make sure to set an alarm for 10 to 20 minutes later, so you won’t delay your team in finishing your project.

5. Improved memory.

One of the best things about sleeping is that it easily boosts your memory. During sleep, even if it’s just a short nap, information gets processed and absorbed, allowing better retention.

5 reasons to nap salem beds

The key to a successful nap, especially if you’re at the office, is to do it correctly. Only nap during your breaktime and somewhere that you won’t disturb or disrupt your workplace’s flow. You should also make sure that your nap wouldn’t extend for so long and take up your actual work time. This way, even if you fall asleep on your desk, you won’t have any issues with your boss.

Salem Beds’ Sleepy Saver: Saving the Sleepy in More Ways than One


If you have ever shopped for a mattress before, you’ll know how taxing mattress shopping can get. Sure, friends and family are great resources, as their feedback will always prove to be very useful to your quest, but sometimes, suggestions from others do not cut it. Especially since comfort is a very relative thing, your preferences may not exactly agree with theirs.

Here at Salem Beds, we strive to help you out in picking the right mattress for your needs and preferences. The wide array of our products alone tells a lot about our commitment in providing every Filipino a choice in which Salem bed to take home.

To help you out in your task of finding a great mattress, let us tell you more about one of our bestsellers, the Sleepy Saver.

The Sleepy Saver mainly boasts of two things: its trademark Salem bed quality and its affordable price. You can say that the Sleepy Saver truly saves the sleepy through these two main trait, as the quality ensures durability, and the friendly price offers every one a great place to rest their heads on despite the tight budget.

With a tight plush design and a soft firm feel, the Sleepy Saver can truly save your days and nights from restlessness. Perfectly cozy with it’s soft surface, this mattress guarantees you a good night’s sleep that will last for a long time.

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With a 6-month warranty, the Sleepy Saver is definitely one of the best low-priced mattress in the Salem Bed Classic Collection.

For more information or for purchases, click here.

Creative Ways to Decorate Your Four Poster Bed

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Four poster beds are some of the fanciest frame options for your bedroom. They’re extravagant and elegant, the perfect centerpieces to a beautiful space. If you’re thinking of adding a bit more flair to your bedroom, poster beds are great options.

With their versatility, there’s a multitude of ways how you can make poster beds work well for your interiors. You can keep them bare for a clean, classic, and minimalist look, but you can also put those post and beams to good use. How? Here are some excellent examples:

1. Fabric

C More design

Fabric is possibly the most common material used on poster beds as they not only add some pizazz to these frames, but also offer some additional privacy to the sleeper. You can use, a long stretch of fabric, regular curtains, or opt for mesh-like materials, so it can also double as mosquito nets.

There’s also a lot of ways how to decorate your bed with fabric. You can do it traditionally, using curtains on all sides or drape it on one portion. You can also use the beams nearest the wall as a rod to hang up tapestry or a printed fabric to use as a headboard. If you’re bold enough, you may be able to pull off the draped fabric look on your four-poster to give it that nonchalant chic vibe.

Simplified Building

2. Lights


Lights can also be excellent accent pieces, as they now come in a wide variety of styles and are extremely functional. You can either use string lights and drape them around the beams and poles of your canopy bed or just place a nice chandelier over your poster bed.

3. Embellishments





You can also let your creative juices flow when decorating your canopy bed. Hang anything you love and you’ll surely end up with an eclectic and quirky bedroom centerpiece.

4. Plants

Elle Decoration UK

Plants are also some of the great things you can use to decorate your four poster bed. Hang them up or have them crawl one of the posts for a natural and romantic look.

With all of the possibilities your four poster beds have to offer, there’s really no excuse in thinking it’s a boring piece of furniture. Jazz it up and you can enjoy not only a cozy place to rest, but also an exciting interior design element at the same time.

Sleep & Success: Sleep Your Way to Success (Without the Controversy)

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One of the things that a lot of working professionals complain about is the apparent lack of time. With so many things to do, the 24 hours in a day doesn’t seem enough to do everything they need to accomplish. In some cases, the 24 hours don’t even cover their social and family lives yet, making it all the more challenging for someone who wants to get ahead in life.

With time not on your side, what should someone aspiring to succeed should do? Some professionals opt to sleep less. By cutting down their hours in bed, they can squeeze in an extra task or two.

Tempting as it may, there are more repercussions that are bad for you if you opt to miss out on some sleep. Aside from the grogginess that will make you feel less alert and make you unproductive, accumulating sleep debt can also be detrimental to your cognitive functions. If you make it a habit to sleep little every night, you are willingly putting yourself at a disadvantage – the complete opposite of what you’re aiming for. With all the negative effects lack of sleep have, the tempt of being able to do more surely comes at a high price.

While sleeping less does make sense if you’re a busy entrepreneur or corporate executive, it is actually the complete opposite of what’s ideal if you want to perform better in the workplace. With less sleep comes less alertness, which can affect your productivity in leaps and bounds. The sleep debt will also affect your mood, and may even have a great impact in how you deal with social situations in the work place.

Think about it: if you get enough sleep nightly, you can easily reap of the many health benefits sweet slumber can offer. You get to have more energy, be more alert, and in good health. It’s very likely that you’ll be less stressed as well. This means you can be more productive and be physically and mentally present while accomplishing your daily tasks.

To further ensure a good night’s sleep, equip your bedroom with a quality Salem Bed. With a great mattress, you can leave all your stress and worries behind and enjoy a night in exquisite comfort.

Make Waking Up in the Morning Easy

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Even if you consider yourself a morning person, there are days when getting out of bed can be difficult. Especially during the summer, because even when the nights are stifling hot, mornings still get pretty cool, making it the perfect time to be in bed.

But as mornings are mornings, you’ve definitely got places to go. This makes getting out of bed a lot more important and pressing. Delaying the imminent is pointless, although that fact doesn’t necessarily make it any easier.

Waking up nicely is also an integral part in having a good night’s sleep. Even if you’ve spent the previous night in sweet slumber, if you have a hard time waking up and find it stressful to get up in the morning, you’re not exactly really getting the most out of your nightly shuteye.

If you’ve ever wondered if there are ways that can help make your mornings easy (and you less grumpy), the good news is, there are a few tricks you can try. Here are some easy tips that you can try.

1. Place the alarm clock farther away from the bed.

We’re all used to having our alarm clocks either on our bedside tables or under our pillows. This makes it easy to set them up at night, and a lot simpler to hit the snooze button as soon as it goes off in the morning.

The bad thing about this set up is the convenience. As it is just an arm’s length from you, going back to sleep after you hit the snooze on your alarm is a lot simpler. While this sounds perfect for all the sleepyheads out there, it is also not doing you any favors in starting your day right. Snoozing will only make you get out of bed later, leaving you with less time to prepare and get to where you should be.

By putting your alarm clock a bit farther away from the bed, you’ll be forced to get up when the alarm goes off. Such an action will actually help you wake up, and may even make you think twice about going back to bed. This tip hits two bird at once, really, as it effectively wakes you up and prevents you from snoozing.

2. Jumpstart your day with a nice citrus-y scent.

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To feel more awake, you actually have to feel alert. To achieve this, you will have to kickstart your beta wave production, and one way to do that is by getting a whiff of something citrus-y. By either having a half cup serving of a citrus fruit or opening a bottle of a citrus-flavored essential oil, you can get your needed morning boost.

3. Jolt yourself awake with something cold.

To get yourself out of your grogginess, splashing on some cold water will totally help. It can easily wake your brain up and help you get rid of last night’s sleep. You can also try spending 10 seconds under the cold shower or placing frozen spoons on your eyes to de-puff your eyes from a long slumber.

4. No blackout shades on weekdays.

Especially if you’re the type that likes to hit the snooze on your alarm thinking that you still got time to prep, blackout shades could make getting up in the morning even harder, as the dimness will make you feel like it’s still night time. To help you get up easier, skip the black out shades during the days you need to get out of the house early and just treat it as reward for your off-days.

Ending your sleep on a good note ensures that you’re starting your day greatly as well. So aim not to get a good night’s shuteye, but for an excellent way to wake up as well.

Prep Your Bedroom for Summer

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Although many of us are still enjoying the snugness of being under the covers during the early hours of the morning, the evenings are starting to feel different. While our thick blankets and comforters are still the best companions for chilly mornings, falling asleep with them during the evenings without an air conditioning unit on are now causing some to sweat and feel too warm. As summer draws near, preparing for the warmer weather is highly important, especially for your bedroom.

Why prep your bedroom for summer? For one, so you can still feel comfortable in your sleep despite the heat. This is especially true for those who do not have air conditioning at home, as temperatures can rise to sweltering degrees even during the night time in this country. Making your bedroom summer friendly will ensure that you get to sleep comfortable all through the hot summer nights, without getting interrupted by excessive sweating and the uncomfortable heat.

To help you get ready for the warm nights ahead, here are some tips that you can try at home:

1. Use lightweight and natural fiber bed clothes.

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Natural fibers are great in absorbing moisture from the body, making them perfect for sweaty summer nights. This way, you don’t have to stay soaked in your own perspiration all night long, which is not only uncomfortable, but can also cause some sickness. Cotton, silk, and bamboo are just some of the best options for this.

Light bed clothes are breathable, allowing air to circulate easily, keeping you comfortable all throughout the night. This is why, if you can’t sleep without being covered by a blanket, light weight ones are your best options for the summer months. Thinner materials will still let you stay under the covers without getting sticky and breaking out in sweat in the middle of the night.

For a further reading in choosing the right lightweight bed clothes, check out this article.

2. Use a brighter shade for your bedroom.

Bright colors can easily turn a space light and airy, perfect for the warmer season. Pastels and bright solid colors can quickly spruce up a space and make it feel breezy, so adding some hues can help make your bedroom feel fresh and ideal for the summer. If you don’t want to re-paint your bedroom, you can easily opt for bed clothes and curtains in bright shades to do the trick for you.

3. Decorate with airy pieces.

Slatted, meshed, grid, and open work furniture are some of the best decorations for the summer. Aside from allowing air circulation, these pieces also give the appearance of breeziness, which is what you should aim for this summer. While bulkier furnishings may seem cozier, they won’t exactly offer a nice spot when the temperatures are so high, so opting for something less stuffy should be your top choice.

4. Opt for spring coil mattresses.

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One of the drawbacks of foam mattresses is that they are made from tightly packed materials that air circulation becomes nearly impossible. Coil mattresses, on the other hand, offer some open space where air can move around and give you a more comfortable surface on warm nights, making them more ideal for tropical countries like the Philippines.

5. Use curtains made of lighter materials to let the breeze in.

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While air conditioning is still the best solution for warm summer nights, those who do not want to see a spike on their electric bills would prefer opening their windows to the summer breeze to keep their evenings cool. If you’re more of the latter than the former, you can further invite the cool wind in by using lighter curtains with your open windows. Heavy fabrics will only hinder the breeze from getting inside your bedroom, making it balmy, so replacing your curtains with one made in a more buoyant and delicate material can easily make your room more airy.

Here at Salem Beds, we are all for your comfort and good night’s sleep. So, hopefully, with these tips, we can help you drift off to sleep at night despite the summer heat.

Ready for Romance: Prep Your Bedroom for Valentines’ Day

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With Valentines just a few days away, many of you may already have plans for your special someone. However, those who are not too keen on celebrating the day of hearts outside with other couples, staying at home can also be a great alternative. Whatever the case it might be for you, it is very likely for most mature couples to end their day in their very own bedrooms. Preparing for this part of the day is also ideal, especially if you want to cap the day with some intimacy.

So, how do you ready your bedroom for some Valentines’ day romance? Here are some of our tips:

1. Get some fresh sheets.

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Re-decorating for just one day isn’t exactly practical, especially if you’re busy handling the household or a day job. What you can do instead, though, is deck your bed with some new linens. For many, red is a great choice for such occasion, so you can easily get into the Valentines’ mood without a fuss. Fresh sheets can also help you quickly re-invent the bed, so it can be a great way to feel like you’re on a romantic getaway with the  comforts of your own home, which is a win-win for many.

2. Get the lighting right.

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Lighting is essential to get into a romantic mood. Dim lights can really turn a space into something cozier and more relaxed, allowing couples to feel their privacy better, making it important to turn the lights down a little bit on V-day. To add some of that romantic lighting in your bedroom, you can skip your regular lights and just rely on your lamps, strings of fairy lights, or even candles. Just make sure to be careful in where to place them, though.

3. Declutter.

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Nothing can be a bigger buzzkill than having the urge to get rid of that stack of old receipts sitting on top of the dresser. So, make sure to include cleaning up, even just a little bit, when prepping your bedroom for that post-Valentines’ Day date.

4. Prepare a romantic play list – may it be a compilation of your favorite love songs or a few romantic movies both of you can enjoy.

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Photo byAndré Hofmeister

The right music or movie can really set or extend the romantic mood, so you might want to prepare for how you should cap the day with a romantic film or a sweet playlist.

5. Indulge your sense of smell as well.

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Treating your sense of smell right can also do wonders for the success of your Valentines’ Day. There are several recommended scents for romantic moments that you can try, though experts suggest floral and woody scents for best results.

6. If you want to do it more traditionally, make sure you don’t forget the flowers and a bottle of champagne/wine.

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These two are staples when it comes to V-Day, so if you want to do it the traditional way, do not forget to bring in some flowers and a bottle of wine/champagne to your bedroom.

7. Add a personal touch.

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A  little surprise like a sweet note or a special gift can really help make your Valentines’ Day a little bit more special, so why not look for a way to show your significant other how much you care? It may be extra cheesy, but no one will judge you – it’s V-Day after all!In the end, it’s not really about what your plans are or how your bedroom looks like that is important in celebrating Valentines’ Day. It’s actually the quality time you’ll be spending with your special someone, strengthening your bond and helping you create more memories and building your relationship stronger. As long as you’re comfortable with the one you love, you can say that you’ve had a great hearts’ day. These tips may add to the effect, though, helping you achieve a richer and grander celebration of this lovely holiday.

Naps and Other Things to Help You Get Rid of Your Midday Slump

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After a hectic weekend, it’s either you go to work on a Monday feeling ready to take on all of the week’s challenges or you’re still massively hung over from all the fun (or stress, depending on how you’ve spent your days off) you’ve just had the day before. If you happen to result in the latter, you may also find yourself having your energy lowering by mid-day. And since the day isn’t even nearly over yet, discovering some pick-me-uppers can be the best antidotes for a midday slump.

To help you stop a midday slump from ruining your Monday, here are some tricks you can try.

1. Take a nap.

Naps are excellent ways to perk up your afternoon. Since you’re already low in energy, why not get some shuteye to recharge a bit? A quick 10-20 minute cat nap on your lunch break will help you power through the afternoon easily.

2. Snack on.

Getting some sugar in your system can also help you perk up come early afternoon. However, instead of downing some bottles of energy drink or going on a sugar high with sweets (which will surely result in a crash later on), grab a bar of dark chocolate or some fresh fruits. Dark chocolate is rich in iron and magnesium, making it a great energy booster. Fresh fruits, on the other hand, are great sources of natural sugar, which can ensure the stability of your blood sugar levels.

3. Stretch out.

Stretching has tons of health benefits, which explains why yoga can be an excellent way to get fit. What it does to your body, as long as it is done correctly and safely, is that it improves blood circulation, prevents lower back pain, and reduce stress among many others. Stretching while you’re feeling a bit sluggish can help you perk up, as the physical activity can give your body a jolt and can can even help you get rid of some tension that may already be building up.

4. Take a stroll outside.

Using your break for some physical activities is an excellent way to get rid of the midday slump you may be having by lunch time. A quick stroll around your office building or to a nearby cafeteria/restaurant/food store can be highly beneficial for you in many ways. For one, the walk will give you some exercise and wake your senses up a little bit. The sunshine you’ll be getting will also wake your body up, as it is programmed to respond to the warm light given out by the sun. Also, the trip to the food store can be quite interesting at the very least, and if not, at least you get to come back with snacks and a full stomach.

5. Try some breathing exercises.

Shallow breaths = low oxygen supply = sluggishness. This is why if you’re feeling a bit low, you should try taking some deep breaths to wake yourself up a little bit. Real Simple offers this technique for you to try out:

Put the tip of your tongue against the ridge behind your upper teeth. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound. Then inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat for a total of four breaths.


Be more productive with these easy tips how to deal with your midday slump. Keep those yawns away and get more out of your time at the office by following our easy tips.