Bedtime Laughter Might Help Boost Your Zzz’s

We’ve all heard of the saying that “laughter is the best medicine” and if you missed the memo, it’s a science-backed fact. Laughing has both short and long-term effects that can boost your health from improving your air circulation to relieving your stress response and providing some pain relief. It can also help boost your immune system by releasing neuropeptides that can fight off stress hormones which can cause ill effects on your body.

Aside from these, it turns out that laughter can be very helpful to your slumber as well. And as you should know by now, with better quality sleep also comes better overall health, so getting a good laugh on the regular is certainly good for your well being.

But how does laughter help your sleep, you might be wondering? According to Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, an expert sleep therapist and neurophysiologist, a good belly laugh before hitting the hay can be beneficial for your sleep.

The idea behind this is simple: laughter will help decrease the levels of your stress hormones which can then help you relax and ease into sleep. Stress is one of the biggest reasons why you toss and turn in bed at night so combating those with something as simple as a good laugh will be a great help for your shuteye. It can be brought in by a funny TV show or video clip, talking to someone who makes you laugh, or reading something funny.

With a large chunk of the population experiencing sleep issues during the pandemic, talking about simple tricks like this that can boost one’s slumber will be of great help. If you’ve tried lots of things just to fall asleep easier at night and did not get good results, this is another option to try out. With how easy getting a good laugh can be, it might just turn out to be the very addition your bedtime needs for a good night’s sleep.

Sleep Deprived? We Also Have Memes for That

Sleep deprivation is one of the most frustrating things in the world that it’s just hard to find it not funny at some point. If you’re already in need of zzz’s, might as well just take it lightly instead of stress over it. Doing that can drive sleep away even further, so let’s just laugh it off with these memes, shall we?

not-sure-if-actually-funny-or-sleep-deprived1fd6ydme-im-going-to-bed-early-sleep-deprivation-26024171earthquakeso sleep deprivedbilly-madison-originalsound-of-music-originalwhytaken-original8 hrs 3 hrs

If you relate to these memes, here are some tips that might help you sleep better.

10 Sleep Memes Everyone In Love with their Beds Will Go, “Same”

If there are two things that can turn a manic Monday around, it would include memes and sleep for a lot of people. So why not combine them to start your week right? Here are some of our favorites:

cancelledhack5 hoursolympictrapped3 yearsmomsee your bedcan't waitplans

Having a good relationship with your bed can be one of the most enjoyable things to experience. Join in the fun by starting with the right mattress. Check out our selection here for the best picks.