Sleeping On an Old Mattress? Read This

Ideally, a mattress should only be in use for about 8 to 10 years at the maximum. We’re not saying this just because we make mattresses for a living, but it’s an actual fact from actual experts. As mattresses tend to get a lot of use, they can wear out eventually, so it’s best to replace them from time to time to ensure your best sleep.

But because mattresses are such big ticket purchases, it’s normal for a lot of people to try to make the most out of them. This is not impossible to do with Salem Bed products since our mattresses can last for decades. However, if you’re sleeping on a decade old mattress, there are a few things that you should know about it. These things are also the very reasons why you should consider replacing them as soon as you can.

Your bed could already be more of dust mite pile than a bed at some point.

Experts say that mattresses tend to double in weight at around eight years due to dust mites and debris from sleepers. Because your mattress is one of the most attractive places for dust mites to live in, most homes tend to have an infestation of such in their bedrooms.

This may sound gross but because these insects are not exactly harmful if you’re not allergic to them, you don’t necessarily need to freak out about them. You can try your best to keep them out of your bed, however, with the help of dust mite proof bed and pillow covers.

Debris can also accumulate on your bed over time. These usually include shed dead skin cells, dirt, and other microscopic refuse your body produces or takes to bed. So yes, your bed can get gross even if you vacuum and replace your sheets quite often.

To get rid of these icky stuff, you can have your mattress cleaned thoroughly by professionals or just replace them when they already show signs of wear and tear.

They might not be capable of providing ample support to your body anymore.

No matter how expertly constructed your mattress it, its components can still wear out over time. This is why its common for mattresses to gradually lose its comfort over the years. This can then cause body pains and prevent you from feeling refreshed from the moment you wake up.

If you already feel like your old mattress isn’t providing ample support to your body anymore, it’s a sign that you should replace your mattress soon.

They can cause respiratory issues.

With the accumulation of dust mites, actual dust, tiny debris, mold, and a lot of small things on your bed, it won’t be impossible for you to inhale all of them during your sleep. This can then result to respiratory problems like asthma and allergies.

These are just a few of ways an old mattress can harm your wellbeing. So if you want to make sure to avoid such, time the replacement of your sleep furniture properly.

And when you do get around to buying a new mattress, make sure to take the right measures to prolong your unit’s lifespan. With the right tricks, you can make sure to keep your mattress in great shape for a long time. This way, you can be sure to make the most out of your big ticket purchase and so you can delay the hassle of buying a new mattress again.

Did You Know that Some People Can Sleep With Their Eyes Open?

This may sound creepy but it’s true: some people can sleep with their eyes open. Apparently, about 20% of the population experiences the condition nocturnal lagophthalmos which is caused by the eyelids’ inability to fully close during sleep.

If you suspect that you’re afflicted with this condition, it’s best to see a doctor. For one, it can be causing you to be a light sleeper as having your eyes open while sleeping can make you more sensitive to light. The light that can seep in through your partially or fully opened peepers could keep you from sleeping deeper and that can be a problem.

In most cases, your eyes can also dry out from being left open for a while. This can leave you with tired, itchy, and dry eyes in the morning.

No matter what the case, however, there’s a good chance that it can negatively affect your sleep. While you can fall asleep with your eyes open, it doesn’t mean that you can achieve quality shuteye because of this condition.

The good news is, this condition is completely manageable and treatable. In most cases, wearing an eye mask will suffice in addressing the problem. In others, eyelid surgeries are done so they can be shut close completely.

Eating Breakfast Might Just Help You Sleep Better

It’s an established fact that a lot of things can affect your sleep. Another addition to this long list is breakfast. According to some experts, eating breakfast can also help you improve your sleep.

This might sound weird since there is such a huge gap between eating breakfast and going to bed. However, according to sleep expert Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan, eating in the morning will convince your brain that you’re not living in famine anymore. As the brain is wired to believe that humans still need to survive a caveman lifestyle, you have to convince it that you have an adequate food supply in order for it to relax. This will then help you sleep better since you’re more at ease of your safety.

Referred by Dr. Ramlakhan as the ‘metabolic window’, breakfast is basically a way to signal your body that it won’t die from hunger so you can rest easy about its safety. It’s a really simple concept that can also benefit you in a lot of other ways so it certainly makes a good case for eating breakfast.

5 Easy Breakfast Ideas for Those Who Love to Snooze

It’s highly likely that if you go around, you can count on your hands just how many people regularly have breakfast before they zoom out of their homes. With our country’s sleep situation, most folks just opt to skip breakfast, grab something on their commute, or just eat at work in the morning.

It’s really a shame because breakfast is an important meal that will fuel your day. Unfortunately, a lot of people choose sleep over sitting down for their first meal of the day, and honestly, we can’t blame them.

If you want to change your way but you still don’t want to wake up way earlier than you’re used to just to make breakfast, here are a few quick and easy breakfast ideas that you can try out:

Toasted Bread

Photo: Andra Ion

This one’s a no-brainer. If you have a toaster in your kitchen, you should just pop in a slice of bread or two (preferrably with some butter) and that’s it. You can also spice things up by adding a few other ingredients to your toast.

One great example is avocado toast. You can go for the basic recipe of spreading some smashed avocado on top of the bread with some salt and pepper and then toasting it or fancy it up with a whole range of other avocado toast recipes you’ll find online.

If you don’t have avocado on hand, here are other simple recipes worth trying.

Overnight Oats

Photo: Yanina Trekhleb

Another convenient way to prepare breakfast is by doing it the night before. If you’re not too keen on eating ‘old’ stuff in the morning, overnight oats will be a nice alternative. You can prep this before hitting the hay and still get a fresh meal in the morning.

The best thing about overnight oats is that you can have it whichever way you like your oats. Here are some amazing recipes that you can try if you’re interested in trying some.


Photo: Amanda Belec

There’s possibly no easier way to prepare breakfast than by pouring the ingredients into a bowl. This is why cereal is still king when it comes to easy breakfasts. You even have a wide range of options to choose from so you don’t have to worry about variety.


Photo: Melissa Walker Horn

Whipping up a sandwich is also very easy. It’s very filling and can be eaten while on the go so it’s always great to have in the morning. And with all of the different variations you can make, it will be hard to get tired of these breakfast items.


Photo: Melissa Walker Horn

If you don’t mind mixing a batter and then using a small appliance early in the morning, then a waffle breakfast might just work well for you. It only ideally takes 5 minutes for a waffle to cook, so it can be a great quick breakfast to enjoy.