Sleeping in Airports: A Handy Guide

airport sleep

Anyone who has ever traveled by air knows that delays tend to happen. As there are a myriad of reasons that could cause postponed and even canceled flights, a seasoned traveler should know a trick orĀ  two in how to sleep in an airport.

While you really can’t expect to get quality sleep in an airport, getting some shuteye – even just the lightest kind – is still necessary. Getting delayed when all you want to do is get home or to your destination can get frustrating, and lack of sleep can make you feel worse than you already do. Getting some shuteye will help you calm down, clear your mind, and make better decisions in such trying times.

So how do you sleep in an airport? This infographic from Travel Supermarket will give you all the important pointers you need so you can sleep safely and somehow soundly in an airport.

Image source: TravelSupermarket

Meet Your Sleep Deprived Brain

sleep deprived brain

Sleep deprivation is a common problem nowadays. What with all of the things you have to do, coupled with your daily commute and a wide array of distractions, losing sleep is as common as complaining about the Philippines’ summer heat.

As common as it is, sleep deprivation is already becoming a norm among the populace. This makes it seem like it’s okay to lack sleep on a regular basis, since every body else sleep as little as you do or even worse.

The thing is, it’s not okay to be sleep deprived and we all know it. When you lack sleep, you are less alert and are at a great disadvantage. You’re tired, cranky, and is generally not in your best shape. You’re also more prone to committing costly mistakes that will not only endanger your career, but your safety as well.

If you still think there’s nothing wrong in missing a few hours of sleep every night, then, this infographic tell you more about the horrors of not getting enough shuteye.
