This Long Weekend can be the Perfect Time to Clean Your Mattress

Since we’re still in a pandemic and going out is still discouraged and can be quite tricky, long weekends are now best spent at home. If you’re wondering what you can do on your time off, we have the perfect recommendation: clean out your mattress.

We know this is an activity that you might not look forward to since it seems complicated but its benefits will be well worth the effort. If you enjoy sleeping in your bed with fresh sheets, imagine how much better it will be if your actual mattress is clean and fresh as well. Once bad odors and irritants are eliminated, your time in bed can be much lovelier.

So how do you clean your mattress? The process is very simple. The first thing you need to do, however, is to get a few cleaning materials to get started. These are:

  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Some baking soda
  • A dry, clean rag and some water (in case of stains)

Once you have these items on hand, you can move to the cleaning part. Here are some easy-to-follow videos that we believe can better instruct you in the cleaning process:

For a more detailed procedure, check this out:

Key Takeaways

Allow us to just highlight a few things about the cleaning videos above as some bear repeating so you can better maintain your mattress:

“Spin in spring, flip in fall.”

This saying is a quick way to remember when you should rotate and flip your mattress. But since we don’t really have spring and fall seasons in this country, it might be best to do so when the season changes from the dry to rainy season and vice versa.

We think the end of summer is the best time to flip the mattress because the hot season would have taken a toll on your mattress. The warm nights will surely do a number on your bed, so it’s best to clean it up nicely as the weather cools and then use the other side of the mattress to enjoy some fresher evenings.

Rotating your mattress might be best done as the weather starts to get warmer, on the other hand.

Use a mattress protector.

Using a mattress protector will add another layer of protection from sweat and other bodily fluids from getting into the mattress. They will not alter the feel and comfort level of your mattress so there’s no need to worry about adding them to your mattress.

Get professional help when it feels necessary.

This is particularly applicable to those who really invested on their mattresses and want them to last a long time. A good professional cleaning will nicely freshen up your mattress like it’s new so give it a chance. There are now lots of available services that you can find online and they’re very convenient and affordable. The bigger challenge is in choosing one, actually, as there are so many to choose from.

What if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner?

In case you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, some heavy lifting might do the trick. We still recommend doing the deodorizing step by letting the baking soda sit on top of your mattress for a while then remove them by shaking them out by using a clean stick or any long implement like a rod or a clean broom to tap on the surface of the mattress. This will help remove the dead cells, dust, and other debris that could be clinging on the surface of your mattress.

This is best done outside, however, so you might need to take out your mattress first out of your bedroom and in an outdoor space. It can involve a bit of heavy lifting so make sure to get someone else to help you out.

Sunning your mattress for an hour or two can also help you deal with the moisture and odors but make sure not to overexpose your mattress. Don’t expose it directly under the sun, especially when it’s at its highest as it might also damage some properties of the fabric of your mattress.

Why do it this weekend?

If you don’t have any other plans anyway, it’s a good way to refresh your bedroom in a major way. If you do it on Friday, you’ll be able to enjoy the other two days in bed better.

Thinking of investing in a new mattress? Check out our offerings here.

Off-Gassing Tricks: 5 Ways to Remove New Foam Smells

Foam mattresses often come with chemical smells when new since they are made with chemicals. Sometimes, the smell can get overwhelming, especially if you have certain sensitivities but it shouldn’t be a permanent thing. It’s bound to go away after a while, especially if you take a few steps to get rid of it.

What are the measures you can do to deal with new foam mattress smells? Referred to as ‘off-gassing’, here are a few expert tips you should keep in mind:

Remove the plastic covering entirely.

To let out the smells, make sure to remove the plastic covering entirely. This is the only way for the mattress to get aerated.

Air it out in a well-ventilated space.

The chemical fumes of foam mattresses are bound to dissipate after a while, all you really need is to air out the unit for a couple of days before using them. Place the mattress in a well-ventilated area – may it be on a veranda, garage, backyard, or even inside a bedroom with all of the windows open. Leave it be for a day or two to really get the fumes out.

Sprinkle some baking soda then vacuum.

If you want to speed up the process a bit, you can also sprinkle some baking soda on the surface of your mattress. The solution will soak in the smell, helping the foam let out gas more quickly. Vacuum the mattress twice to make sure that you’ll remove all of the baking soda before using the mattress.

Tap it out.

Another way to speed up the process is by pushing the gasses out manually. You can do this through the pagpag method by hitting the mattress in different areas repeatedly or by jumping on it. Just try not to inhale while the mattress releases its gasses, however.

Do not use other liquids or sprays.

If you’re tempted to mask the smell with something pleasant, don’t do it. The only way to get rid of the chemical scent of new foams is by airing them out. Trying to hide it will not work and can only make things worse so don’t attempt to spray anything on your new foam mattress.

In case nothing works, get in touch with the manufacturer.

If the chemical smell of your foam mattress won’t go away after a few days of airing it out, please contact the manufacturer. For Salem Bed, you can reach us through any of our social media accounts or you can directly get in touch with our After Sales department at (02) 86572898 local 34.

How to Keep Your Bed Virus-Free

Your bed may be the coziest space in your home but it’s not necessarily the cleanest. Dust and shed dead skin cells will certainly accumulate on its surface and sweat and other bodily fluids can get absorbed into its cover fabric and top layers of foam. Even if you try your best to keep it clean, there’s no guarantee that it will be spotless.

Then, of course, there are bacteria and viruses that can make your bed a hotspot in your home. This is true for the common cold and flu. And even if the coronavirus is primarily passed on from person to person, it might still linger on the surface of the mattress for a day or two. This can still spread the virus and create serious health problems for many.

If you want to make sure that you won’t bring viral diseases to your bed, here are a few things that you can do:

Never lay down in your bed while still wearing the clothes you wore outside.

It’s highly recommended to shower and change clothes as soon as you come back home after being outside. This means that you should also make sure not to get your outside clothes in contact with your bed so the virus won’t be transferred there.

If you had the coronavirus, disinfect your mattress and pillows once you’ve recovered.

If you survived an infection, even as an asymptomatic patient, it’s important to disinfect your mattress as well to increase your odds of getting rid of the virus altogether. While the coronavirus is believed to die on surfaces within a couple of days, it’s still best to err on the side of caution if you can. This is especially important as cases of reinfection are on the rise, so if you don’t want to fall ill again, it would be best to just try your best to get rid of the virus on every surface that you’ve made contact with.

Here are the steps to disinfect your mattress:

Steam vacuum the surface.

This will help deep clean the surface of your mattress and remove the contaminants from it. If you don’t have a steam vacuum, you can also just vacuum the surface thoroughly to get rid of the dust and debris on the surface.

Spray a disinfecting solution.

To make sure that you’ll kill the virus that may be on the surface of your bed, make sure to spray an effective disinfecting solution on it and let it sit for a while. This will ensure that the virus will be killed and destroyed. Dry the mattress before using it again.

There are several products that you can use for this purpose. You can check this EPA list for quick reference. Some are easier to find than others, so be quite thorough when going through the list. Avoid the ones that contain bleach and chlorine, however, as they can be quite damaging to the materials of your mattress.

Wash your bedclothes a few times and leave it in the sun to dry.

Treat your bedclothes like the way you treat your regular clothes and wash and disinfect it properly to kill the virus that might be lurking on its surface. For safe measure, use laundry detergents with bleach unless the material recommends against it. If you can wash them with hot water, that’s also a good idea. If you can’t, drying it under the sun may be a good alternative to using hot water. Do this 2 to 3 times before using the bedclothes again for safe measure.

Clean your pillows thoroughly, by washing, if possible, or by disinfecting.

The pillows you used when you were sick should always be washed or cleaned properly to avoid reinfection. This is true not just for the coronavirus but also for coughs, cold, and the flu. Since you are in close contact with your pillow for long periods, it’s essential that you keep it clean so you’ll stay healthy.

If you can’t wash your pillow, you can also do the vacuum and spray method used in your mattress. Leaving it under the sun to dry is also a good idea for extra safety measure.

However, if your pillow is already quite old, throwing it out might be more ideal.

Air out your bedroom.

Due to the small size of viruses, you should also make sure to push it out of your bedroom or enclosed space by airing it out. Open the windows and take steps to improve the circulation of air inside. This will help further remove any lingering virus inside.

Disinfect the surfaces of your bedroom.

To avoid bringing illnesses to your bed, the area surrounding it should be clean, too. Apply the safety measures you use in the shared areas in your home to your bedroom to further minimize the odds of bringing viruses to your bed.

Cleaning your bed after you get sick is an important step to avoid getting ill again or spreading the disease to the other people in your home. Taking steps to avoid bringing the coronavirus or any kind of virus to it is also ideal since we spend a lot of time in bed on a daily basis.

The tips mentioned above are based on recommendations from experts. These are not medical advice about the treatment of COVID-19 or for the prevention of its reinfection. We do not vouch for their effectiveness against the coronavirus, especially since studies are still ongoing about the handling of the said virus. These are just general tips on cleaning mattresses after its user got sick with a virus. For scientific and medical-based advice, please refer to the Department of Health and the World Health Organization’s advisories.

Do You Sweat in Your Sleep?

With a climate like ours, it’s normal to get quite sweaty in sleep. This is especially true during the warm months, since even nighttime temperatures never really drop.

However, there are also those folks who just really tend to sleep warm. They’re the ones who can still get sweaty even with the air-conditioner on or even when it gets cold at night.

Despite being a normal experience, sleeping warm can be a frustrating thing to experience. It can definitely make you uncomfortable which can then affect your sleep. It can also cause your bed sheets and mattress to get quite gross since your sweat gets into them.

So how do you deal? Here are a few of our tips:

Use bed sheets that are made with breathable materials.

Many are not aware that the kind of fabric they use in their bed sheets can be the very cause of their discomfort and sweating at night. Most bed sheets made of synthetic materials can get quite hot as they can trap your body heat. If they don’t absorb moisture, they can also feel extra gross which can make things worse for you.

So if you want to avoid having such issues altogether, stick with bed sheets that are made of breathable materials like cotton or silk.

Check your bed if it overheats.

It might sound silly but mattresses can definitely get quite hot. This is very common for foam mattresses since they’re constructed in a way that the material is packed into their body. As a result, there’s no space for air to move around and cool the foam a bit as body heat transfers to it.

Spring mattresses, on the other hand, are proven to be slightly cooler than foam mattresses. So if you want to completely avoid laying down on a hot mattress, you might want to consider going for a spring mattress instead. To view our great selection of spring mattresses, click here.

Position your electric fan strategically.

Sometimes, the very reason why you sweat at night, even with the fan on, is the position of your fan. In this country, we primarily use electric fans to cool us off. By directing some breeze to us, we get to feel cooler and fresher. However, it will also be beneficial if you know the other techniques to use with your electric fan.

For example, you have a ceiling fan in your bedroom. It would be best to make it move in a counterclockwise direction when the weather is warm so the cool air can be pushed downwards to you on the bed and the hot air will be pulled up and away from you.

For those using stand or desk fans should know how to bring in the breeze into the bedroom. Positioning the fan in front of a window that allows outside air in will make the air move more easily inside the bedroom. On very warm nights, it might also be better to use one fan to push the hot air out by pointing its face out a window and using another to push some cool air in.

Deal with your stressors.

Some experts say that stress can also cause us to sweat at night. This is why it’s also crucial to handle your stress during the day so your brain won’t try to deal with it while you’re asleep.

Try to avoid consuming alcoholic drinks before bed.

Drinking alcoholic beverages can also cause night sweats. Alcohol affects your core body temperature, so if you like having a night cap all the time, you should expect to sweat it out a bit while you’re asleep. If you want to deal with night sweats completely, It would be ideal to refrain from drinking before you hit the hay.

Check if you have medical conditions or medications that can be causing your night sweats.

Lastly but also most importantly, you should also check if your night sweats are caused by an existing ailment or medications. Certain conditions can cause certain kinds of sweating and some of it can manifest when you’re asleep. Some medications can also cause night sweats as a side effect.

Don’t forget to perform proper mattress maintenance if you sweat in your sleep.

If you experience night sweats, we also request that you perform proper and regular mattress maintenance. The moisture your sweat transfers to your mattress can make it become dirty and gross, especially if you don’t do anything to clean it.

So to make sure that your mattress will always be in top shape despite the fact that you sweat while you sleep, follow these tips in maintaining your mattress.

Change your sheets regularly.

Once your sheets got soaked in sweat, you can already consider it to be dirty. Replace it with a new one to ensure that you won’t sleep on top of a gross bed sheet.

Removing sweaty bed sheets right away is also ideal. This will help you minimize the amount of sweat your mattress will absorb and lessen its exposure to moisture.

Typically, it’s already ideal to change sheets once a week. However, if you tend to sweat profusely in your sleep, it would be best to replace your sheets as often as you can.

Use a mattress protector if you really sweat a lot.

If you want to add a layer of protection to your mattress, you can also get a waterproof mattress protector. This will help you add another barrier between your sweat and your mattress which can help keep the later dry and protected from moisture.

Make sure to top it with bed clothes that are breathable and cool on the skin so you can further prevent sweating on your mattress directly.

Allow your mattress to breathe and dry up.

Giving your mattress the time to dry after getting sweaty is ideal. This will help keep your mattress fresh and will prevent potential bad odors and even mold.

To do this, you can take your mattress outside (if it’s not too heavy) so you can air it out and it can dry up. If you can’t do this, leave your mattress bare for a few hours at a time before putting on a new set of bed clothes. Make sure that the room is nicely ventilated while you do this so the air can help dry it up.

You can also sprinkle some baking powder on top of your mattress and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it. This will help remove the moisture from the mattress and clean its surface at the same time.

Night sweats may be pretty common but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take measures to protect your mattress against the problem. Try out these tips and you might just find new ways to improve your zzz’s and better maintain your mattress.

Salem Bed Exclusives

Did you know that we offer exclusive products in some of our authorized dealers’ stores? In celebration of the Sleep Awareness Week, we present to you a quick roundup of the other Salem Bed products that will surely excite you:

SM Home Exclusives


A best-seller, the Clouds is another trundle bed option from Salem Bed


Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 7
Total height: 18″
Warranty: 2 years



Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 8
Mattress height: 9.75″
Warranty: 5 years


piacere homefair

Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 10
Mattress height: 12″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Bonnell Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 10
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Memory Foam
Firmness: 5
Mattress height: 8″
Warranty: 8 years



Material: Memory Foam
Firmness: 5
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Memory Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 5
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 7
Mattress height: 9″
Warranty: 15 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 7.5
Mattress height: 13″
Warranty: 15 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 9
Mattress height: 13″
Warranty: 15 years


royalty home fair

Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 7
Mattress height: 12″
Warranty: 15 years


MERIDIEN - BLANCA 06-2016 (1)

Material: High-density Polyurethane Foam
Firmness: 8.5
Mattress heights: 4″ / 6″ / 8″
Warranty: 8 years


PRAIRIE IN the room2

Material: High-density Polyurethane Foam
Firmness: 8
Mattress height: 6″ / 8″
Warranty: 5 years

Our Home Exclusives



Material: Foam
Firmness: 8.5
Mattress heights: 4″ / 6″ / 8″
Warranty: 8 years



Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 7
Total height: 18″
Warranty: 2 years



Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 6
Mattress height: 8.5″
Warranty: 3 years



Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 8
Mattress height: 9.75″
Warranty: 5 years



Material: Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 10
Mattress height: 12″
Warranty: 10 years


MONTANA 08-30-2016 (1) nimbus grey

Material: Bonnell Innerspring Coil
Firmness: 10
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Memory Foam
Firmness: 5
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Memory Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 5
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 10 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 7
Mattress height: 9″
Warranty: 15 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 7.5
Mattress height: 13″
Warranty: 15 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 9
Mattress height: 13″
Warranty: 15 years



Material: Latex Foam and Pocketed Spring
Firmness: 6
Mattress height: 12″
Warranty: 15 years



Material: High-density Polyurethane Foam
Firmness: 8
Mattress height: 6″ / 8″
Warranty: 5 years

Homeplus/Sleepshop Exclusives

Seville Firm

seville firm

Material: Bonnel spring and High-density Polyurethane Foam
Firmness: 9
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 5 years

Seville Luxury Firm

seville luxury firm

Material: Bonnel spring and High-density Polyurethane Foam
Firmness: 9
Mattress height: 10″
Warranty: 8 years

Seville Plush

seville plush soft

Material: Bonnel Spring and Medium-density Foam
Firmness: 6
Mattress height: 9″
Warranty: 3 years

Seville Luxury Plush

seville luxury plush

Material: Bonnell Spring and Medium-density Foam
Firmness: 8
Mattress height: 12″
Warranty: 10 years


These give you way more options if you still haven’t found your perfect match from our regular range. Curious about those as well? Click here to check them out.

Let’s Talk About Bedsheets

If you can’t go all out on a mattress just yet, the next best thing that you can do to boost your bed’s comfort is by getting the best bed sheets out there. These items will be in contact with your skin, so it’s crucial that they’re soft and comfortable when you lay down on them. They can make or break your sleeping experience, so you should definitely make sure that they’re nice and comfortable for you.

To get the most out of your bedsheets, here are a few tips that we recommend you take to heart. Combine them with the perfect Salem Bed for you and you can be sure to get great sleep:

Make sure to have at least 3 sets of sheets.

You need at least 3 sets of sheets to live comfortably. One will be on your bed while the other one is on the wash. The other one’s a backup in case you can’t do your laundry yet.

Wash your sheets at least once every two weeks.

One quick way to make your bed comfortable is by changing your sheets quite often. Doing so ensures that it’s clean, for one. The scent of fresh laundry is also relaxing for many, so having new sheets can really be a great way to lull you to sleep.

Thread count isn’t everything.

Some folks may say that the higher the thread count is, the more comfortable and softer bed linens can be but this isn’t really the case. Lots of experts say that 300 to 500 can already feel marvelous but there are also some in the 200 variety that will do the trick. It’s a matter of preference, really, but don’t think that you have to base your decision on this tiny tidbit if you want a cozy bedsheet.

Material is still the best basis for comfort.

If you want to invest in bedsheets, take a closer look at their materials instead. 100% cotton is always highly recommended as they’re soft and breathable – perfect for our climate! They’re a bit expensive, however, especially the ones that are said to be made from Egyptian and Pima cotton.

A cheaper alternative would be cotton/polyester blends. Look for high-quality ones as polyester can get scratchy and hot.

Silk is also an option but make sure to do your research first before splurging on them.

Always measure before you buy.

Keep in mind that there are no standard measurements for mattresses, so bedsheet makers also have no way to create the perfect size for everyone. So if you don’t want to end up with a bed sheet that’s barely usable, make sure to take measurements before buying.

Even with the most amazing mattress, if your bed sheet is dirty or scratchy, your sleep will be greatly negatively impacted. So to boost your sleep experience, make sure to put some effort in dressing your bed as well.

Mattress Shopping Tips for Heavy Sleepers

One important factor that you shouldn’t forget to consider when shopping for a mattress is your weight. Since mattresses are meant to carry all of your weight when you’re asleep, it makes perfect sense that it should be built to do so without compromising your comfort. With the wrong pick, you’ll most likely end up with body aches and your mattress won’t last long.

So how should you choose a mattress if you’re on the heavy side? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Opt for a thicker mattress.

A heavy sleeper will most likely sink deep into their mattress due to their weight. This is why it’s better to opt for a thick mattress to lessen the likelihood of your back digging into the springs or hitting the slats of your bed frame. These can cause great discomfort and prevent you from getting ample sleep.

For the best results, go for a mattress that is at least 10″ thick. This height will already give your body enough leeway to sink into the mattress without losing support.

What’s inside matters greatly.

The components of the mattress also matter if it will hold up against the heft of the sleeper. Low-density foams are not recommended in such cases as they’re very soft and easily gives in to pressure. Some experts also do not recommend opting for memory foam as it can make movements difficult for the sleeper. Most models also retain and reflect body heat, so they can get too hot, especially on warm nights. High-density foams are better options but it’s crucial that they’re thick enough so you’ll have ample room for some give.

Spring mattresses are highly recommended, however, as they provide additional support to the sleeper’s weight. However, not all spring mattresses will do. Aside from the height, you also need to consider the coil count. The higher the coil count, the more supportive a mattress will be, so they’re most suitable for those who are on the heavier side.

Choose an optimal-sized mattress.

Most heavy sleepers are also rather wide, so it’s also vital that they choose the right mattress size as well. According to experts, there are ideal mattress sizes for various sleepers, so you should be aware as to which one suits you best. The Better Sleep Council and The Sleep Judge have comprehensive guides on mattress sizing, so you can head there to check them out.

Proper mattress maintenance also promises better sleep.

After choosing the right product for you, you should also make sure to maintain your unit properly. Regular flipping and rotating will help you even out its wear and tear and prolong the lifespan of your mattress.

Which products should you get?

The best Salem Bed options for thick mattresses that are supportive enough for heavy sleepers include the Renascence collection, Elite collection, Prelude, Knoxville, and Vermont. Choose according to your comfort preference, and there’s a very good chance that you’ll get top-notch quality sleep.

Sleeping On an Old Mattress? Read This

Ideally, a mattress should only be in use for about 8 to 10 years at the maximum. We’re not saying this just because we make mattresses for a living, but it’s an actual fact from actual experts. As mattresses tend to get a lot of use, they can wear out eventually, so it’s best to replace them from time to time to ensure your best sleep.

But because mattresses are such big ticket purchases, it’s normal for a lot of people to try to make the most out of them. This is not impossible to do with Salem Bed products since our mattresses can last for decades. However, if you’re sleeping on a decade old mattress, there are a few things that you should know about it. These things are also the very reasons why you should consider replacing them as soon as you can.

Your bed could already be more of dust mite pile than a bed at some point.

Experts say that mattresses tend to double in weight at around eight years due to dust mites and debris from sleepers. Because your mattress is one of the most attractive places for dust mites to live in, most homes tend to have an infestation of such in their bedrooms.

This may sound gross but because these insects are not exactly harmful if you’re not allergic to them, you don’t necessarily need to freak out about them. You can try your best to keep them out of your bed, however, with the help of dust mite proof bed and pillow covers.

Debris can also accumulate on your bed over time. These usually include shed dead skin cells, dirt, and other microscopic refuse your body produces or takes to bed. So yes, your bed can get gross even if you vacuum and replace your sheets quite often.

To get rid of these icky stuff, you can have your mattress cleaned thoroughly by professionals or just replace them when they already show signs of wear and tear.

They might not be capable of providing ample support to your body anymore.

No matter how expertly constructed your mattress it, its components can still wear out over time. This is why its common for mattresses to gradually lose its comfort over the years. This can then cause body pains and prevent you from feeling refreshed from the moment you wake up.

If you already feel like your old mattress isn’t providing ample support to your body anymore, it’s a sign that you should replace your mattress soon.

They can cause respiratory issues.

With the accumulation of dust mites, actual dust, tiny debris, mold, and a lot of small things on your bed, it won’t be impossible for you to inhale all of them during your sleep. This can then result to respiratory problems like asthma and allergies.

These are just a few of ways an old mattress can harm your wellbeing. So if you want to make sure to avoid such, time the replacement of your sleep furniture properly.

And when you do get around to buying a new mattress, make sure to take the right measures to prolong your unit’s lifespan. With the right tricks, you can make sure to keep your mattress in great shape for a long time. This way, you can be sure to make the most out of your big ticket purchase and so you can delay the hassle of buying a new mattress again.

Major Considerations when Mattress Shopping

There are tons of guides on mattress shopping that you’ll find online but most of them will just tell you what to look for. However, it’s very important to take into consideration a series of factors that are unique to your situation and circumstance.

So, to help you be more thorough in your search, we’ve rounded up a few of the most important considerations that you should remember when mattress shopping.

Your Idea of Comfort

The most important thing that a lot of people might not know is that everyone can have different ideas of what feels comfortable. Some people prefer a firm mattress while others love sinking into their beds. This is why it’s very important to test out a mattress that you’re interested in, as it’s the only way you can determine whether a mattress is comfortable enough for you or not.

Your Weight

If you’re on the heavier side, it’s very important to consider your weight when shopping for a mattress. Soft mattresses, especially the ones made purely of foam have low density so they might not work out for you well.

Having low density means it doesn’t have a lot of resistance so your weight will most likely push the mattress downwards and have your back meet your bed base. In such cases, opting for high-density mattresses would be your best bet.

Your Budget

This one’s a no-brainer. If you’re going to buy a mattress, you should always consider your budget.

Your Bed Base

If the new mattress you’re eyeing will only replace an old one, it’s best to also take into consideration the bed base you already have. Not every bed base will work on foam mattresses, especially the thin and low-density ones. So if your base has slats, you might want to consider a thicker mattress or one with spring. A mismatched mattress and base can lead to accidents and uncomfortable sleep, so make sure to know which pairings work best.

We hope this quick list helps you out in your search for the right mattress for you. For more mattress options, you can also visit and shop at our website.

A Quick Guide to Salem Bed Sizing

One of the most important things to consider when shopping for a new mattress is the size. Pick one that’s too small and you might not just fit. Going for something too big, on the other hand, might not fit your bedroom.

Unfortunately, mattress sizing can differ from one brand to another. If you’re interested in a Salem Bed mattress which is probably the reason why you’re here and reading this, you might want to get to know how we size our beds. For that, here’s a quick guide:

Standard Widths

Generally speaking, the width measurements are pretty much standardized in mattress sizing. For our mattresses, here are our standard widths:

Single 36″

Semi-Twin 42″

Twin 48″

Double 54″

Queen 60″

King 72″

Regular and Irregular Sizes

In our website‘s product pages you’ll see our sizes listed as Regular and Irregular Sizes. These refer to the length of the mattresses. Our Regular or standard length measures 75″, while Irregular mattresses measure 78″.

California King Size

Those who want to go all out on their beds can also opt for our California King Size which measures 78″x80″.

Custom Sizes

Aside from the listed sizes, we also offer custom sizes. We can easily go in between all of the regular sizes with great ease.

We hope this guide gave you a solid idea how we size our items. If you have further questions regarding sizing, don’t hesitate to drop us a line. You can also learn more about our sizing recos here.