Sleep & Health: Ten Health Benefits of Sleep

Salem beds benefits of sleep


As Dr. Ana Krieger of the Center for Sleep Medicine puts it, “Sleep is a necessary philosophical process like eating and breathing.” In fact, sleep is found to be more important than food that sleep deprivation can kill you before you starve to death. In several studies, lab rats have died after two weeks without sleep, while it took a lot longer than that do die from being without any food.

What exactly do you get from sleep, though? Here’s a list of the ten health benefits that sleep can bring you:

1. Improved Memory

salem beds sleep benefits


The brain takes the time when you’re asleep to consolidate the information that you’ve taken in during the day and strengthens your memory, making slumber the perfect time to boost your brain power.

2. Lower Stress Levels

Salem beds benefits of sleep


Ever notice that when you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to become more irritable during the day? With some quality sleep, the opposite happens, thus letting you keep your calm and keep yourself away from stressing out on every little thing you come across with.

3. Healthier Heart

Salem beds sleep benefits


Getting enough shuteye has been proven to help lower cholesterol and control blood pressure. Experts haven’t exactly found out why sleep affects the cardiovascular system this way, but many theorize that this may be due to the intricate hormonal play the body conducts while at rest.

4. Better Mood

salem beds benefits of sleep


Feeling tired can really make you grumpy, which can lead to higher stress levels and even depression. To avoid all of these, catching some quality zzz’s is one of the best and easiest ways to go about it.

5. More Energy

Salem beds benefits of sleep


Sleep is the very activity that allows recuperation after a day full of action. To gain back all of the energy you’ve exhausted, resting through a good night’s sleep is essential. Studies conducted by the Stanford School of Medicine involving athletes has even shown that those who were able to get enough sleep showcased improved speed and accuracy as well as in game performance.

6. Increased Productivity

Salem beds benefits of sleep


Again, little sleep always tend to equal to feeling tired, which, in return, can easily damage your performance. If you don’t have enough energy, getting something done can be a bigger challenge than what it can really be. Your forty winks will help you recharge, which will let you feel ready for the work waiting for you the next day.

7. Chances of Weight Loss

salem beds benefits of sleep


When you sleep enough, you get to recharge for the taxing day ahead of you. However, if you haven’t snoozed properly, the tendency to lack energy will definitely be there. This causes the body’s craving for additional food to fuel you, thus causing weight gain. Some studies also show that sleeping can burn some fats in the process, making it one great way to shed some pounds off.

8. Clearer Skin

salem beds benefits of sleep


Again, sleep allows your tired body to rest and recuperate. This helps out your skin in the best way, as it lessens stress and irritation. Especially if you sleep with clean sheets, you can be sure to get clear skins easily.

9. Boosted Immunity

salem beds benefits of sleep


It’s not just your gramma who suggests that sleeping properly will help you keep those colds at bay. It is actually backed up by some complicated science as well! According to experts, sleep deprivation suppresses the immune system, making you susceptible to flu and common colds. So the next time you doubt old wives’ tales, you better double check, as some of them can really be helpful.

10. Lower Risk of Cancer, Diabetes, and other Health Issues

salem beds sleep benefits

According to experts, sleep can also be a great way to lower the risks of getting or progressing cancer, diabetes, and other serious illnesses. Some scientists suggest that sleep’s ability to alter hormone levels can affect the diseases’ development, making sleep a great weapon against them.

.salem beds Benefits of sleep

Sleep is truly an essential activity you shouldn’t miss out on. Pair it with a comfortable Salem bed, and you can be sure that you’re on the right track of getting high quality sleep, ensuring your health and wellness without a fuss.

2 thoughts on “Sleep & Health: Ten Health Benefits of Sleep

  1. Pingback: The Surprising Science of Sleep and Weight Loss | Sock It To Me Training

  2. Pingback: 4 Reasons Why You Should Add “Sleep More” to Your New Year’s Resolutions | the official blog

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