Language(s) of Sleep


Sometimes, saying you need sleep in just a language or two is not enough. So to help you express your urgent need for some shuteye, here is a list of how you can say sleep in different languages.





























With this list, we hope you can now express yourself better when you need sleep. Just make sure to hit the hay (or lie down on your Salem Bed) soon after, so you can quickly get the zzz’s you so eloquently need.

Pink & Gray Bedrooms You’ll Fall In Love With

gray and pink bedroom

In the past, gray isn’t one of the first color choices for bedrooms. It has been considered dull, drab, and dark, making it the last pick for bedrooms in so many households. However, with the rise of the industrial and minimal styles as of late, more and more people are finding gray to be the perfect base for their simplistic, yet elegant interiors.

One of the most popular trends when it comes to gray shades in the home is pairing it with light pink tones. It makes an attractive combination as the subtle hues tend to relax and calm a space – perfect for bedrooms. Just take a look at some great examples we have gathered from all over the web:

Gray and Pink Bedroom

grey and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

If you think that pink and gray is too feminine for your master bedroom, you really should reconsider. There are a lot of ways how to toughen it up a bit, like using more raw and industrial materials like the metal pipes in this bedroom.

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

gray and pink bedroom

Gray and Pink Bedroom

The best thing about this color palette is that pink and gray tend to mix warm and cool colors without a hitch. They seamlessly create a nice balance for a cozy bedroom, which can be quite tricky to achieve with other hues. They’re very versatile that you can easily pull it off even in a tropical country like ours.

Travel Essentials to Ensure Your Quality Sleep


For some of us, traveling means a vacation – a time for rest and relaxation. Others need to travel for work. But whatever the nature of your travels may be, one thing can be certain for a good chunk of the population: sleep isn’t guaranteed.

A lot of us experience difficulties in sleeping when required to spend the night in a hotel or a different home. Typically known locally as “namamahay” or feeling unsettled in another place that isn’t their home, making it difficult for a person to fall asleep or do other natural activities, a lot of people lose sleep when they’re not in their very own bed. This, of course, can be a hassle, especially if you want to enjoy a vacation.

So, what should you do to lessen the unfamiliarity and be able to doze off without a fuss when you tend to experience pamamahay during your travels? Here are some of our suggestions:

Use an eye mask.

eye mask

Some homes and hotel rooms tend to be bright even during the night. It can be due to the location or design of the place. So, if you’re used to sleeping in total darkness, an eye mask is your handy friend. Bring along one and use when you hit the sack to keep you away from disturbing lights.

Bring something familiar from your own bedroom.

Especially if you’re going to stay in a different place for an extended period of time, it’s best to make yourself better acquainted with your new accommodations. To do this, bring a few things from your own bedroom to make the space feel more familiar. For a few night’s stay, you can always easily take your favorite pillow and blanket along with you. For longer stays, you may be able to take your own curtains or even mattress. It all depends really on what will make you feel more comfortable in the space, so if you have something in particular that you know you can’t leave behind and bringing it along wouldn’t be too difficult, make sure to take it with you.

Ear plugs and white noise apps are handy items that can help you doze off.

For some people, it’s the noise (or the lack of it) that gets to them when they’re sleeping somewhere different. If you’re the type whose used to sleeping somewhere quiet, a few pairs of ear plugs will prove to be handy in battling with the noise that tends to disturb your sleep. However, if it’s the other way around, a white noise app can help generate the background sounds that will lull you to sleep.

sleeping woman

The goal in beating pamamahay is to make yourself feel as comfortable as you can when staying in a different place. So, if you have other quirks and particularities when it comes to getting a home-y vibe to a space, you should consider taking whatever it is, so you can feel more familiar with a place. Just don’t confuse pamamahay with missing your family, though, because sometimes, you just can’t bring your whole family with you on your travels.

Hope we’ve helped you deal with this sleep problem. If you have other suggestions and recommendations, leave a comment below or send us an e-mail through

How to Shop for the Best Bed Sheets


When it comes to a good night’s sleep, how you dress your mattress also matters. Sure, a comfortable and quality mattress will lull you to deep slumber, but a scratchy bed sheet or a inadequate blanket will surely disturb your zzz’s. This is why choosing your linens is essential – as they also contribute to a comfortable sleep. However, with the wide range of options available today, it may be a bit overwhelming to start investing in your bed sheets without knowing which one to go for.

So, to help you out, here are some tips you may find helpful in your search for the perfect bed sheets.

Get to know your options.

There are tons of different types of bed clothes that you can choose from – ranging from budget to luxury and made in almost every fabric imaginable. This is why you need to know which kinds feel great, because not everyone will help you doze off.

Silk and cotton are among the most popular and preferred materials for beddings. They’re soft and cool, guaranteeing comfort all through the night.

Experts say that 400 thread count is the most ideal for beddings and your budget.

Most people think that thread counts determine the softness and quality of beddings, as the higher the thread count, the softer the item supposedly is. However, according to experts, this isn’t always the case. Some pieces that have high thread count tend to use additional materials and finishes that alter the feel of the initial material. This also makes it possible for the beddings to lose its softness over time, once the finish and treatments have already worn out.

This is why experts suggest that a 400 thread count bedding made from real Egyptian cotton as the most ideal option for those who want the best beddings for their homes.

There’s nothing wrong in purchasing any kind of brand, as long as they’re reputable and they use high quality materials.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. However, with ample research, you can be sure to find a great product without breaking the bank. The trick here is to know which materials are used in the item. 100% anything is still the best choice for beddings, as it will provide consistent feel and comfort.

fresh bed sheets

Always wash your sheets diligently and always wash them before initial use.

How you wash your sheets also affect the comfort of your zzz’s. Ideally, you should wash and change your bed clothes every 7-10 days to ensure proper hygiene. Otherwise, it can get itchy and gross.

Washing your sheets before first use is also very important as there are possible irritants and chemicals in the packaging that can cause you great discomfort during sleep. If you can wash it twice before using it, the better chances you have in getting rid of the irritants that may be present in the new beddings.

Buy new beddings every 18-24 months.

Like clothes made from cotton, beddings can get worn out through time. Replacing them every few years will always give you a great way to feel fresh and comfy.

Or buy new pillowcases periodically as a more cost-efficient alternative.

If you’re not too keen on replacing your beddings so soon, you can at least get new pillowcases every few months. It’s cheaper and will let you enjoy the feel of crisp new linens for a fraction of the price.


Ensure your good night’s sleep with a great bed. Pair your Salem Bed with fine and cozy beddings and enjoy undisrupted nights of quality slumber.


Design Highlight: Bedrooms with Breathtaking Views


Sometimes, some of us get lucky and end up owning a property in a stunning location. While interior decoration and a fitting architectural design will make your home become a part of the scenery, you can also take advantage of what’s already there by letting the outdoors in.

With floor to ceiling glass windows, you can make your home’s natural setting become a part of your interiors. How? Here are some great examples.

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass windows bedroom


glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

glass window bedroom

With views as spectacular as these, it’ll be a shame to put up walls and not enjoy the scenery outside. Add the fact that glass windows also let you enjoy more natural lighting, and you’re all set, really. By adding such elements, you get to enjoy a lot of nature’s wonders without sacrificing a modern aesthetic.

Girl, You Need More Sleep


It’s no surprise that people can get grumpy in the morning, especially if they have been oh so rudely woken up by the alarm clock. The disorientation alone from being snatched in the midst of your slumber can be annoying enough, aside from the fact that lack of sleep may leave you wanting more of those mood-boosting zzz’s.

However, did you know that women actually wakes up grumpier when they didn’t get enough shuteye? According to the National Sleep Foundation, women need at least 20 minutes more of sleep than men. This is due to the fact that women multi-task more and make use of their brains than men, making them need more restorative sleep. According to expert, Dr. Jim Horne, a leading sleep science specialist in the UK,  multi-tasking tend to make use of our brains more than the usual. And since sleep helps the brain recover and repair itself, it is the perfect time for multi-taskers to recuperate.

This isn’t saying that men doesn’t make use of their actual brain, though, as those who have complex jobs that entail a lot of decision-making and lateral thinking will also require more sleep than the average person. It’s just that women are more likely to multi-task – especially those who juggle healthy work and family lives.

So, if you’re someone who regularly takes on multiple tasks all at once, you may need to clock in some extra zzz’s. This way, you can ensure that you’re helping your body to get in the best shape possible.

For a good night’s sleep, let Salem Bed be your partner in comfort and quality shuteye.

Counting the Hours: What is the Best Time to Sleep

sleep calculator

There’s no doubt that sleep is one of the most complicated activities we all have to do. It may seem simple and straightforward, but to get the most out of it, we have to actually plan and time it properly, so we can establish a good sleeping schedule.

Falling asleep at the right time helps you get ample amount of shut-eye, especially if you have to wake up at a specific time the next morning. This, in turn, will help you function better the next day, as you have been able to get the right number of hours your body needs.

If you want to reset your sleeping schedule, one of the things you should definitely look into is the time you should hit the sack. Websites like the and can be handy tools as they provide the ideal times for falling asleep without pressuring you to sleep early as they present options as to when it is the best time for you to doze off.

What should be noted is that and, as well as several other sleep calculator websites and apps will not tell you to get a solid 8 hours of sleep. What they do is compute the times when you’ll most likely be able to complete sleep cycles, so you can wake up refreshed and actually get some good night’s sleep. This ensures that you get some satisfying slumber, and if you actually get to set your inner body clock to the schedule, you may even guarantee yourself some quality zzz’s.

If you’re a nap person, you may also be glad to know that there’s a perfect schedule for your quick shuteye. Devised by sleep specialist Dr. Sara Mednick, the Nap Wheel is designed to determine when the “ultimate nap” time is. The wheel is also very easy to use as all you need to do is drag the pointer into the time you usually get up and then find where the slow wave sleep and REM sleep markers intersect as that will indicate the best time for your nap.

With the aid of these handy and free tools, you can easily get the most out of your slumber. Give it a spin tonight and see for yourself how much your sleep will improve if you happen to stick to a solid time frame.

Sleep Challenge: Start Improving Your Sleep Today

sleep challenge

If you don’t get 6-8 hours of solid, undisturbed sleep nightly, there’s a very high chance that you are sleep deprived. With the wide array of things that could hinder our slumber, it’s not so surprising that a large chunk of our population is buried in sleep debt.

But how do you deal with sleep debt? The answer is pretty straightforward: you have to improve your sleeping habits. By having a regular and complete sleeping schedule, not only can you avoid piling more sleep debt to what you already owe, but you may even be able to catch up.

Being in the sleep business for so long, though, we know that improving your sleep isn’t necessarily a walk in the park. Creating a healthy and regular sleeping routine does not come naturally for many, especially those who have to work in shifts, so a little hard work will be required for you to start getting a solid night of shuteye.

So, how do you start improving your sleep? If you’ve been reading our blog, you will know that we have been sharing a lot of sleep tips and information for a while now. You can find some handy articles by clicking on the blog’s Sleep & Health category and you’ll surely learn a trick or two in how you can improve the quality of your sleep.

The biggest challenge, really, in any sleep challenge is to keep yourself disciplined to get more zzz’s. Again, there’s so much to do nowadays that sleep is easily relegated to the last spot in a lot of people’s to-do lists, so focusing on the goal of getting quality slumber is a necessity. If you’re not really into improving your sleep, there’s very little assurance that you will be successful in improving your sleep.

If you think getting quality zzz’s is a huge undertaking, stop right now. It may sound daunting, but there’s really only a few things you need to do and remember if you want to have better sleep:

  1. Be consistent. This is where your discipline is required, because sleep makes great use of your body clock which only sets itself after a few days of following a consistent routine. With consistency, you can get yourself feel sleepy and wake up naturally at the same time everyday, helping you get the same amount of shuteye every night.
  2. Stop stressing yourself out. Stress is the number 1 enemy of sleep. It produces cortisol, a hormone that makes dozing off a lot more difficult.
  3. Get a good mattress. Many may not think much of their mattresses when it comes to its effects in helping you sleep, but mattresses actually play a large role in dozing off easily at night. Make sure that it is comfortable and provides ample support, you can avoid waking up due to body pains. You may also want to find a mattress that can minimize partner disturbance, so you can be guaranteed that you won’t be woken up by your co-sleeper’s nocturnal movements.

The best time to start working on your sleep? Tonight. The faster you get quality sleep, the better for your overall health, so don’t delay and start taking steps in improving your nightly slumber starting tonight.