Would You Sleep Somewhere High Up?

When it comes to sleep, the most ideal place would be somewhere comfortable and safe. You’re vulnerable when you’re off in dreamland so you might want to make sure that nothing bad can happen to you while you’re defenseless.

This hasn’t stopped adrenaline junkies and adventurous souls from giving sleep a twist. Nowadays, you’ll find a number of death-defying sleeping accommodations in various places so you can give it a try if you dare. We’ve rounded them up below so see for yourself whether you’re willing to give them a shot.

1. Skylodge Adventure Suites




Located in the Sacred Valley in Peru, the Skylodge Adventure Suites feature a series of crystalline pods suspended on the side of a cliff. It offers guests magnificent views of the valley below and the Milky Way at night.

Getting to the venue is a challenge, though. You can either climb up the 1,300 feet rock face or hike a daring trail that is also comprised of a series of zipline network.

2. Treehotel

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treehouse hotel ufo

treehouse hotel bird's nest

treehouse hotel cabin


Sweden’s Treehotel is composed of seven sleek and modern treehouses created by seven Scandinavian architects. Each offers something unique, making it not just a great place to stay for the night but a destination in itself as well.

It might not be as adventurous as the Skylodges but it will still let you sleep high up in the trees. You’ll get to do it in style and comfort, though.

3. Bangkok Tree House

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Providing a tranquil refuge from the hustle and bustle of one of the busiest cities in the world, the Bangkok Tree House offers another twist on the treehouse accommodation concept. You can choose from actual treehouses or get “A View with a Room” that will let you sleep right under the stars.

4. Tsala Treetop Lodge

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Nestled in the beautiful Garden Route of South Africa, the Tsala Treetop Lodge is a five-star hotel that will let you enjoy nature without compromising your comfort. It features ten lush villas that will let you enjoy green views for miles around.

5. Hapuku Lodge

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A family built and run establishment, the Hapuku Lodge features the beauty, taste, and wonders of its locale. Its 5-star accommodations are suspended 30 ft off the ground and nestled in a mangrove orchard.

Honestly, the Skylodge is the only one that will really question you whether you can sleep up there. The others are just magnificent modern iterations of treehouses. They’re all amusing and may even be worth a spot on your travel itinerary.

Want to Cut Out Sweets in Your Diet? Try Sleeping Better

Everyone knows that sugar can be blamed for all of the additional inches on your waist. This is why ditching sugar is one of the everpresent dieting techniques out there.

However, if you have a sweet tooth, doing this can be easier said than done. This is particularly true if you rely on sweets to perk you up during the day. Despite the crash that it can cause later on, a sugar rush can be rather effective in helping you power through a midday slump.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t cut out sweet in your diet, though. With the right techniques, you can actually completely avoid sweets without sacrificing your energy levels during the day.


Sleep better.

According to a study, increased sleep might be able to help reduce your sugar intake. While the research only involved 42 subjects and didn’t really say that sleep is the key to an improved diet, it still shows great promise.

As lots of people take in sugar because they’re tired and sleepy, sleeping more and better can definitely be the best solution to get rid of the problem. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone as this technique won’t just help you avoid sweets but will also boost your weight loss efforts, too.

With more sleep, you’ll get more energy for your workouts. It will also help reduce your other cravings, so you’ll most likely have to eat less. This can result in better creating better calorie deficit and more lost weight.

Besides, there’s really nothing wrong in improving your zzz’s if you’re sleep deprived anyway. It can do wonders on your health that if it did help you cut down your sugar intake, it will just be a bonus.

So if you’re having a hard time saying no to indulging your sweet tooth, sleeping more could be of great help to you. Try our many sleep tips in the blog to help you improve your zzz’s and you might just find yourself consuming less sweets in no time.