The Bedrooms we Daydream About Spending the Night In

While we love our bedrooms dearly, it wouldn’t hurt to try out other cozy-looking beds from time to time. Besides, as experts say, sleeping in a different bed can help reinvigorate your sleep hygiene which means that it’s a good thing to sleep somewhere else on some occasions as well.

As it’s also summer, we are slightly struggling with wanderlust as we’re stuck in the city with its unbearable heat and traffic. It wouldn’t really hurt to daydream about marvelous bedrooms that we’d love to spend a few nights in, right?

If we can take a pick of where we’d sleep tonight, here are a few that we’ll love to be in.













For now, though, we’ll be crawling back to our cozy Salem beds and enjoy the comfort that’s readily available to us.

Post-Holiday Slump? Here’s How to Deal

With the fun few days you’ve experienced, it’s either you’re already reinvigorated to get back on track to your daily routine or you feel extra groggy after not sleeping a lot due to the hectic itinerary you accomplished while out of town. Either way, the post-holiday slump is real and your sluggishness proves it.

How do you get out of your slump and perform better? Here are two surefire ways to feel better today despite feeling so sleepy.

Take a nap.

On your lunch break today, take a quick power nap to energize yourself and get the alertness you need to get through the day. The after-lunch hours will be brutal if you’re already sluggish to begin with, so get ahead of the game and sleep some of your tiredness away. The National Sleep Foundation says that 20 minutes will already let you enjoy the benefits of napping, so gun for that. If you have more time, you can also try the 26-minute trick used by air traffic controllers, as suggested by a NASA-conducted study.

Just don’t go overboard as sleeping more will transition you to deeper levels of zzz’s and you’ll come out of it groggier and more tired. Stick to these nap durations and you can be sure to get out of your slump without a hitch.

Drink lots of water.

Being all groggy and sluggish will want you to reach out for a few cups of coffee or some sweets to help you jolt yourself awake. While this is a quick solution, it’s also not the best. It will only postpone your sluggishness and may even affect other effective techniques (like napping).

What you should do instead is to hydrate yourself by drinking loads of water. Fatigue is a symptom of dehydration, so by feeling tired and sluggish, your body could be telling you that you need more water. By rehydrating, you also get to energize your body without having to worry about crashing later on, which is common with sweets and coffee. This makes it a great way to stay awake and alert on your first day back at work after a tiring long weekend.

Get back to your regular sleep routine.

Lastly, getting back to your regular sleep routine is the best way to recover from your slump. Doing so will help you get back on track with your regular sleep schedule, letting you reacclimatize with your daily routines faster.

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The first few days back to your regular routine may be brutal, but since you had a great time, it might all be well worth it. If you don’t want to experience the same thing the next time you go on a holiday, you should plan ahead with these tips and stick to your regular sleep schedule even while you’re away.

Why You Should Include Sleep to Your Holy Week Plans

The Holy Week is one of the most highly anticipated dates every summer as it gives most of us a few days off from work and school. Most families spend it together, whether at home for some quiet time or traveling to visit relatives or new sites. Whether you already have a packed itinerary or you’re still thinking of ways to spend the free time the holidays will bring, may we suggest that you squeeze in sleep in your plans?

While catching up on sleep on the holidays isn’t exactly something that will let you pay off your sleep debt, it can still be a great way to reset your body and get you started on sleeping better. Experts even say that sleep is the best thing that you can do on your vacation as it helps you relax better so you can doze off easily and without having to stress about getting ready to go and battling the commute the next morning, you can feel better rested by the moment you get up.

If you’re planning to do a spiritual take on this holiday, sleep is still a great thing to include in your plans. as the 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 New International Version (NIV) says:

19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

Sleep is a great way to take care of the body, so by doing yourself a favor and getting some zzz’s this holiday season, you might just be able to do something for your health and spirit.


What Exactly is “Summer Sleep Slide”?

“Summer slide” is what experts call the slow down children experience in their reading and math progress during the summer months. Without school, some kids are not forced to practice their skills, making them fall behind.

Experts are saying that this goes the same for children’s sleep. Without the need to get up at a specific time in the morning, kids tend to sleep a lot later than what they’re used to. If they’re not capable of sleeping in, they’ll surely incur some serious sleep debt over the course of their vacation.

Because sleep is essential for kids’ development, make sure that your little ones are getting ample zzz’s even during the summer months. To do this, here are a few tips.

Enforce a Consistent Bedtime

Enforcing a bedtime, even when they don’t really have to get up early the next day, is a must. Some parents tend to become more lax during the summer vacation since kids don’t really have to go to school the next morning. If you’re letting them stay up late, make sure they get to sleep in a bit in the morning or at least they take naps.

It’s a common trend for some parents to wake their kids up early in the morning during the summer for no reason at all, mostly just to punish them for staying up late. If you’re worried about your kids’ health, though, please refrain from doing this. If you want to make them do chores, they can always do the ones that aren’t exactly time-sensitive and if they do, make sure to let them take naps afterward – even those teenagers of yours. This way, you can still be sure that they get the ample zzz’s they need.

Monitor their Schedule

It’s also essential to get them back on track on their school day sleep routine a few weeks before they go back to school. This way, they won’t have to feel sluggish on their first few school weeks because their sleep schedule is still out of whack. Getting them to follow their regular bed and wake up times at least two weeks before their classes start will help them perform better in the new school year right off the bat.

Kids may seem resilient and energetic at all times but it doesn’t mean that they don’t need sleep. In fact, they actually need more zzz’s than you do, so don’t expect them to sleep just an hour or two during their summer vacation. Make sure to help them get ample sleep, otherwise, their sleep debt will impact their development negatively and affect their performance in school.