How Your Bed Base Affects the Feel of Your Mattress

When furnishing the bedroom, lots of people are more likely to spend time choosing a mattress compared to when choosing a bed. That’s completely understandable because your choice of mattress will determine your comfort. For most folks, they make their choice for beds based on their appearance and quality only. So as long as it suits the look they’re going for in their bedroom and they’re sturdy enough to handle a good deal of weight.

While prioritizing the styling and visual design of a bed is important, it’s also crucial to keep in mind that bed bases have structural participation in the integrity and performance of your bed as a unit. The mattress does a lot when it comes to providing support and comfort to sleepers but it also requires support if it’s to stay in shape and do its job.

So if you want to know more about what a good bed base can do for you, keep reading.

A good bed base will keep your mattress in shape for a longer time.

As mentioned above, a good bed base can provide adequate support to the mattress. This is necessary so it won’t bend out of shape when you put weight on your mattress.

One good way to demonstrate this is how we don’t recommend using bed frames with slats with soft foam mattresses. The design is not bad in itself, in fact, it’s good for distributing weight, but soft foam can be pushed in between the slats and cause some deformation in the process. This can affect the lifespan and performance of your foam mattress.

If you can’t switch to something else right away, hope is not lost. One solution we recommend is getting a sheet of plywood and placing it in between the slats and the foam mattress. This will provide additional support to the mattress and will keep it from getting pushed in between the gaps. Olee Sleep 9 Inch Modern Metal Platform Bed Frame / Steel Slats  / Mattress Foundation / No Box Spring Needed, King, Black: Furniture & Decor

A good bed base can boost the comfort of your mattress.

In some cases, when a mattress doesn’t feel right, especially compared to how it felt in the store, the reason will most likely be the bed base. This is usually experienced by those with relatively thinner mattresses, particularly foam mattresses.

Again, a good example is between a thin, soft foam mattress and a slatted bed base. Since there’s not much between you and the bed base when you lie down on your soft mattress, you may end up feeling the slats.

A good bed base will also ensure that your back is adequately supported. If there’s a give on the bed base, it will definitely be felt on the mattress. So if you need the best back support, it can be felt on the mattress as well.

A nice bed base will keep your mattress in place.

One of the most annoying things that can happen when you’re on the bed is when it slides around as you also move on top of it. It will affect your comfort and will make you feel like you’re not on a stable surface.

This is why it’s best to get a good bed base that fits your mattress nicely to ensure that it won’t slide around. Some bed bases even have slightly raised sides to further ensure that the mattress will not move so you can check those out as well.

One tip, however, is to avoid them if your mattress has a zipperized cover like our G-Foam, Mercure, Esplanade, or Meridien. The seams on the zipper can be pulled up repeatedly by movements made on top of the bed so they can end up fraying. To avoid this, we don’t recommend using such foam mattresses on such bed bases.

The right bed base will put your mattress at an ideal height.

To make your mattress more comfortable, it’s best to put it at the right height. Make sure that it’s not too difficult for you to climb in and out of so you won’t struggle when getting in and out of bed.

Beds come in different heights so you have lots of choices when choosing. Make sure to take into consideration the height of your mattress as well, though, so you can get the exact height that you need.

Choosing a Bed Base from Salem Bed

If you choose to buy a mattress from Salem Bed, there are recommended bed bases that will simplify your shopping experience.

For starters, we have bed sets for our spring mattresses so you can get a matching base for your mattress. The Ditta, Prelude, and Eccelente can even be bought as a set in our website. For the Restful and Premier Rest, the matching bed base are sold separately.

As for our Cordovan, Oklahoma, Orlando, Osmond, and Platform bed bases, we have listed the compatible mattresses in each product page. Please kindly check them out by clicking on the item of your choice.

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Bed Sets from Salem Bed

If you’re thinking of replacing your bed, one classic and fuss-free solution that we can offer is our bed sets. These are the matching mattresses and bed bases that we have always offered, providing a quick option to those who want the perfect pairing for their comfort.

With so many different options available now, however, many might be considering other options for furnishing their homes. While bed sets are very easy options, some might want to go for a whole different look or vibe for their space.

So what makes the bed set worth looking into? Here are three reasons to give them a shot:

They ensure that they suit your mattress well.

An important consideration when matching bed bases to mattresses is whether they’re compatible with each other. For example, foam mattresses, especially memory foam, are not the best match for bases with slatted surfaces. The foam will sink in between the gaps of the slats, so it’s likely that sleepers will end up feeling the unevenness of the base. This, of course, isn’t ideal for comfort.

With a bed set, you can be guaranteed that the base will suit the mattress well since the base is specifically designed to suit the mattress. This ensures that you don’t have to worry about the compatibility of the two items and that your comfort will not be compromised.

They’re very easy options.

Since they’re readily available and are specifically designed for our spring mattresses, they’re easy picks if you don’t want to spend too much time thinking about what bed base to pair with our mattresses. This will make the shopping process significantly easier and faster.

They have the same Salem Bed guarantee as our mattresses.

If you want to make sure that your bed base will have the same quality as your mattress, it would be great to get them as a set. Since our bed bases are manufactured in-house, we can guarantee the same top-notch quality that we have with our mattresses.

What are your options?

We have a number of bed sets available. To view them, you may click here and click on the Bed Sets box in the Categories to filter the results. You may also check these links to view our available sets: Ditta Bed Set, Eccelente Bed Set, Prelude Bed Set. We also have available matching bases for the Restful and Premier Rest mattresses but they are sold separately from the mattresses.

Salem Bed Headboards

It’s a fact that the look and design of your bedroom can affect the quality of rest and relaxation that you can get in it. This is why it’s also best to add some cozy accoutrements to your space as much as you can.

If you opted for a Salem Bed mattress and bed base, a great addition you can get is a headboard. We have quite a selection of options available, so you’re sure to find a great match for your bedroom.

Curious as to what you can get? Take a peek at our roundup below of our available headboards:

Note, however, that our headboards are meant to match specific Salem bed bases, mixing and matching is not recommended. For the items available in our website, the matching bed base to each headboard is noted in the product page. For the SM Home exclusives, the Callister, Campbell, and Cameron are for the Cordovan bed base and the rest are for the platform bed base. At All Home, all of our available headboards are for the platform bed base.

For price inquiries, please send us a message through any of our platforms.

How Do You Sleep? Understand Your Zzz’s to Improve It in 2021

Sleeping better is an excellent New Year’s resolution for 2021. High-quality zzz’s offers lots of benefits which will prove to come in handy, especially during the pandemic, so why not attempt to take advantage of it?

if you’re already considering changing your sleeping habits for the better, the first thing that you need to do is to assess your current sleep hygiene. Doing so will allow you to identify your problem areas, address the issues, and craft a good plan that will work best for you.

How do you better understand your zzz’s, though? Let this guide clue you in on the most important points that you should know about your sleep habits.

Count how many hours of sleep you normally get at night.

This is one of the first things that will teach you if you’re getting enough slumber or not. While there are some people who can survive on just a few hours of shuteye nightly, it’s still believed that a large chunk of the population still need at least 8 hours of sleep every night.

Take note of when you usually start feeling sleepy.

If you have a regular sleep schedule, you’ll start to feel sleepy around the time you usually hit the hay. This should help you learn if you’ve already created a routine. From there, you can tweak the little details so you can improve the quality of your zzz’s.

Figure out how you wake up.

If you wake up on your own around the same time every day, there’s a very good chance that you already have a regular sleep pattern. It’s not necessarily a sign of high- quality sleep but it’s a start. It means that you can stick to a schedule so now you only really need to work on improving it to get better slumber.

Pay attention to how quickly you doze off.

If you fall asleep the moment your head hits the pillow, there’s a very good chance that you’re sleep deprived. If it takes you more than 30 minutes to doze off, there’s a good chance that you’re not getting good sleep.

Take note of when you feel the most energetic.

There are different types of people based on chronotype or circadian typology. This determines the differences in level of activity and alertness of a person in the morning and evening. Some are just designed to work better at certain times of the day so it’s best to find out what your peak productivity time is so you can map your day accordingly, especially your sleep.

If, for example, you’re a morning person, sleeping early and waking up early would be ideal for you as you can be more productive. Night people should be able to go to bed and get up late as they operate best later in the day. Forcing yourself to go against your chronotype is unproductive and unhealthy.

Assess how you feel on a regular basis.

Are you always feeling tired and lethargic? If yes, it’s likely because you don’t get enough zzz’s. If you often fall asleep during the day, it’s a good confirmation that you’re not meeting your body’s need for shuteye.

Feeling stressed and emotionally exhausted are also great signs that you’re not getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can significantly affect your mood, so if you’re quite irritable all the time when you generally have a happy disposition should clue you in on the fact that you need more zzz’s.

Take a hard look at your diet.

Do you often crave for sweets, caffeine, carbs, or just about anything that can help you stave off your sleepiness? We tend to turn to food when we need an energy boost because we’re feeling tired so this is also a good sign that you’re not getting enough sleep.

Learn from the experts

Another way to get to know your sleep better would be through quick quizzes like this. Created by experts, they can help you learn important details that can help you get better acquainted with your zzz’s.

How to Use the Information Above to Improve Your Zzz’s

Once you’ve assessed these key points about your sleep habits, you can already take steps in improving the quality of your shuteye. Use the information on your chronotype to best craft a sleep schedule that will suit your needs at take note of the cues your body sends you to help you find the right amount of shuteye your body needs.

Most importantly, making sleep a priority will also be an essential step if you truly want to sleep better in 2021. Improving your shuteye is not a walk in the park – it will require quite a lot of work from you so you have to be committed to it. The benefits you’ll enjoy will be well worth the effort, so we strongly recommend going through the process.

Sleep Vectors by Vecteezy

Prioritizing Sleep in 2021

2020 has been a tough year for a lot of us with the pandemic still raging and lots of people’s lives have experienced significant changes in a short span of time. These have certainly impacted lives in various degrees that bouncing back in 2021 feels like a must.

If you’re looking for ways to do just that, we recommend that you add getting more zzz’s in your to-do list. Better quality sleep can help address a lot of your concerns even if it doesn’t really seem like it at first glance. By prioritizing sleep, you can enjoy the following and you might just manage 2021 in better shape than you did 2020:

Better stress management

Stress and sleep has a complicated relationship wherein high levels of stress can make it hard for people to sleep but if you get a good amount of zzz’s, you’ll be able to handle stressors more effectively. However, it’s not impossible to get better shuteye even during stressful times. It would take quite a bit of work but it can be done and the benefits will surely be worth it.

By working on improving the quality and duration of your sleep, you can also enjoy better mood. It’s also very useful for boosting your mental health, helping you keep anxiety and depression at bay.

Better health

Better sleep also promises better overall health as it improves quite a lot of bodily functions. It helps your heart health, boosts immunity, keeps your sugar levels in check, and even assists in weight loss. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as sleep is a basic necessity but lots of folks still get shocked to learn that improving their sleep can help them get in better shape. Studies have established the connections of sleep to improved health, however, so if you want to be healthier in 2021, you should work on improving your zzz’s.

So if you’ve always sacrificed your sleep just so you can do more within 24 hours, it’s time to reconsider and pay some attention to your zzz’s. This activity might be what you need to improve your overall health and well being in 2021.

One thing that can help improve your zzz’s would be a cozy bed. Check out your options from our selection here.

The Best Times to Drink Water to Get Great Zzz’s

“Drink lots of water.” This is possibly the top health tip that can apply to a large number of health concerns in existence today. Feeling tired? Drink water as it can help give you some energy and feel more awake. Got dry skin or hair? Drink lots of water as hydrating your body will also help hydrate such body parts. In pain? Drink lots of water as hydration can help the body reduce pain. It’s truly astounding how drinking water can help your health in various ways.

With these said, it shouldn’t be surprising that drinking water can also help your zzz’s. In fact, we’ve already written about this topic before. You can read how your sleep can benefit by keeping yourself hydrated HERE.

However, while we push for water drinking, we also understand that it can be a bit difficult to do. There are certain times of the day that you don’t want to feel the urge to urinate as the logistics can be tricky. It would also be a problem to load up in the evenings as it can disrupt your slumber. But then again, not drinking water before bed can make you dehydrated throughout the night which can also wake you up because you’re feeling parched or your legs have cramped.

This is why we want to discuss more about timing your drinks accordingly. By doing this, you can stay hydrated all throughout the day without having to affect your other activities negatively.

For sleep, here are the best times to hydrate:

1. Upon waking up.

It’s highly recommended to drink a glass of cold or room temperature water upon waking up. Doing so will benefit you in these ways:

  • Wake you up and give you some energy to start the day.
  • Jumpstart your metabolism.
  • Replenish the fluids you expelled as sweat while you were asleep.

2. With your meals.

It’s important to drink water with your meal as it aids digestion. It can also help you feel fuller, allowing you to eat less if you’re trying to lose some weight.

Drinking lots of water with meals is also helpful for your zzz’s as it will also help ensure that you’re hydrating yourself at a regular interval.

It’s best to stick with just water when you’re trying to hydrate yourself but any other beverage can contribute to your daily needs. However, some may contain sugars which can cause thirst so they’re not necessarily great options if you want to quench your thirst. Others have empty calories, too, so if you’re trying to be healthy, they’re not necessarily the best options.

Drinking coffee with breakfast not recommended by experts, however. Since coffee is a diuretic, it can hinder the replenishment of loss fluids in your body in the morning. This doesn’t mean that you can’t or should not drink coffee at all, though, it’s just best to put it off to about 2 to 3 hours after you wake up so you can focus on rehydrating your body first.

3. All throughout the day.

Especially in a hot country like ours, replenishing our body with liquids is essential if you want to stay in top shape and perform well. This is why it’s crucial to drink continuously all throughout the day.

Remember: Don’t let yourself feel thirsty as it’s a sign that you’re already somewhat dehydrated. Experts say that it’s ideal to drink 2-3 cups of water per hour to avoid dehydration. Drinking more than the said amount is essential if you’re sweating a lot.

If you’re going to commute, however, and you’re worried about the traffic, you might be better off in holding off hydrating until you get to your destination. This way, you don’t have to worry about having the need to go to the bathroom while you’re traveling.

4. Before going to bed.

Experts recommend drinking a glass of water before hitting the sack as it will help keep you hydrated as you sleep but not too much that you’ll have to wake up because you have to pee. If you’re still worried because you often have to get out of bed in the middle of the night to urinate, it could be because you drink too much water before your bedtime, you have a sleep condition, or an overactive bladder. In such cases, seeing your doctor is necessary.

Scheduling your liquid intake can have a huge impact on the quality of your sleep so it’s best to pay closer attention to it. The benefits you’ll get afterwards are definitely worth the effort.

Off-Gassing Tricks: 5 Ways to Remove New Foam Smells

Foam mattresses often come with chemical smells when new since they are made with chemicals. Sometimes, the smell can get overwhelming, especially if you have certain sensitivities but it shouldn’t be a permanent thing. It’s bound to go away after a while, especially if you take a few steps to get rid of it.

What are the measures you can do to deal with new foam mattress smells? Referred to as ‘off-gassing’, here are a few expert tips you should keep in mind:

Remove the plastic covering entirely.

To let out the smells, make sure to remove the plastic covering entirely. This is the only way for the mattress to get aerated.

Air it out in a well-ventilated space.

The chemical fumes of foam mattresses are bound to dissipate after a while, all you really need is to air out the unit for a couple of days before using them. Place the mattress in a well-ventilated area – may it be on a veranda, garage, backyard, or even inside a bedroom with all of the windows open. Leave it be for a day or two to really get the fumes out.

Sprinkle some baking soda then vacuum.

If you want to speed up the process a bit, you can also sprinkle some baking soda on the surface of your mattress. The solution will soak in the smell, helping the foam let out gas more quickly. Vacuum the mattress twice to make sure that you’ll remove all of the baking soda before using the mattress.

Tap it out.

Another way to speed up the process is by pushing the gasses out manually. You can do this through the pagpag method by hitting the mattress in different areas repeatedly or by jumping on it. Just try not to inhale while the mattress releases its gasses, however.

Do not use other liquids or sprays.

If you’re tempted to mask the smell with something pleasant, don’t do it. The only way to get rid of the chemical scent of new foams is by airing them out. Trying to hide it will not work and can only make things worse so don’t attempt to spray anything on your new foam mattress.

In case nothing works, get in touch with the manufacturer.

If the chemical smell of your foam mattress won’t go away after a few days of airing it out, please contact the manufacturer. For Salem Bed, you can reach us through any of our social media accounts or you can directly get in touch with our After Sales department at (02) 86572898 local 34.

How Naps can Benefit Your Brain Health

Naps tend to be better enjoyed nowadays, what with more and more of us losing nighttime sleep and the rainy season upon us. But did you know that they can be extra beneficial to those with a healthy sleep schedule?

According to experts, cat naps that take about 20-40 minutes taken from 1-4 pm promise significant brain benefits like better health and boosted memory. These naps can be restorative, allowing your brain to process information and do some repairs.

It should be noted, however, that these benefits are only really seen in those with healthy sleep. Those who are sleep deprived may not necessarily get the same kinds of benefits since they do lack some zzz’s in the first place. So if you want to enjoy such perks, it would be best if you can improve the quality of your sleep first.

Where can you nap comfortably? Anywhere, really, especially with our foldable mattresses. You can find the complete range at Puregold stores that carry Salem Bed products. Find these stores by clicking here.

Teeny-tiny Lifestyle Tweaks that will Improve Your Sleep

Getting high-quality sleep can be quite a challenge for many. A lot of the things you need to do can feel overwhelming and might seem like major life changes for some. This is why some just opt to not work on their sleep entirely.

However, you can always start small, if you want to. A lot of things that you can do to improve your zzz’s can seem like a lot but there are also a few that you might not mind squeezing into your routine. We’ve rounded up a few of them so you can see for yourself whether you can make these tiny lifestyle tweaks or not.

Walk more during the day.

Experts say that walking can be a good form of exercise which is helpful for people’s zzz’s. There’s also more to it than what most of us know, so if you’re interested in how it works, you can read the article below for additional information.

Craft a better bedtime routine.

A good bedtime routine is a must if you want to condition yourself and your body that you’re about to go to sleep. A routine will help signal your brain to wind down so you’ll be in a better head space for zzz’s.

The activities you’ll choose to do before bed will also help your sleep. By doing a few relaxing things before you hit the hay, your body will be better primed for slumber.

Replace your old mattress.

Sometimes, it’s you’re old mattress’ fault why you can’t sleep well at night. Your comfort is definitely a huge factor in your rest, so it’s crucial to ensure it.

By replacing your old mattress, there’s a better chance that you’ll have a more comfortable sleeping surface – granted, of course, that you choose the right mattress for you. With the perfect replacement to your old mattress, you can expect better quality sleep.

If you’re looking for the right mattress to replace your old one with, make sure to check out our selection here.

Sleep a bit colder.

Your body can fall asleep better when its colder, so improving the air circulation and cooling of your bedroom can also help your sleep.

Go offline.

Some may have debated that the blue light on devices don’t really affect the body’s Circadian rhythm but there’s another entirely different reason why you should put your devices away from your bed, especially in bedtime. The internet is believed to be one of the biggest distractions for most of us, so if you stay glued to your phone in bed, you can end up delaying your sleep. Going to bed too late will lessen the amount of sleep you’ll get which can affect the cycles it can go through.

So if you want to sleep more, don’t take your devices to your bed.

Deal with your stressors.

Designating a time to stress out over what happened during the day or what might still happen will help you address your stressors more effectively than just trying not to think about them before bed. Spend a couple of minutes to think about them or maybe even strategize. Experts also recommend writing them down.

by doing something, you can feel better at ease that you’re taking ample steps to address your worries. This can then help you better relax which is essential for better zzz’s.

These are just a very few examples of how you can improve your sleep by making small changes in your life and routines. Try them out and you might find yourself surprised at what can happen.

Do You Sweat in Your Sleep?

With a climate like ours, it’s normal to get quite sweaty in sleep. This is especially true during the warm months, since even nighttime temperatures never really drop.

However, there are also those folks who just really tend to sleep warm. They’re the ones who can still get sweaty even with the air-conditioner on or even when it gets cold at night.

Despite being a normal experience, sleeping warm can be a frustrating thing to experience. It can definitely make you uncomfortable which can then affect your sleep. It can also cause your bed sheets and mattress to get quite gross since your sweat gets into them.

So how do you deal? Here are a few of our tips:

Use bed sheets that are made with breathable materials.

Many are not aware that the kind of fabric they use in their bed sheets can be the very cause of their discomfort and sweating at night. Most bed sheets made of synthetic materials can get quite hot as they can trap your body heat. If they don’t absorb moisture, they can also feel extra gross which can make things worse for you.

So if you want to avoid having such issues altogether, stick with bed sheets that are made of breathable materials like cotton or silk.

Check your bed if it overheats.

It might sound silly but mattresses can definitely get quite hot. This is very common for foam mattresses since they’re constructed in a way that the material is packed into their body. As a result, there’s no space for air to move around and cool the foam a bit as body heat transfers to it.

Spring mattresses, on the other hand, are proven to be slightly cooler than foam mattresses. So if you want to completely avoid laying down on a hot mattress, you might want to consider going for a spring mattress instead. To view our great selection of spring mattresses, click here.

Position your electric fan strategically.

Sometimes, the very reason why you sweat at night, even with the fan on, is the position of your fan. In this country, we primarily use electric fans to cool us off. By directing some breeze to us, we get to feel cooler and fresher. However, it will also be beneficial if you know the other techniques to use with your electric fan.

For example, you have a ceiling fan in your bedroom. It would be best to make it move in a counterclockwise direction when the weather is warm so the cool air can be pushed downwards to you on the bed and the hot air will be pulled up and away from you.

For those using stand or desk fans should know how to bring in the breeze into the bedroom. Positioning the fan in front of a window that allows outside air in will make the air move more easily inside the bedroom. On very warm nights, it might also be better to use one fan to push the hot air out by pointing its face out a window and using another to push some cool air in.

Deal with your stressors.

Some experts say that stress can also cause us to sweat at night. This is why it’s also crucial to handle your stress during the day so your brain won’t try to deal with it while you’re asleep.

Try to avoid consuming alcoholic drinks before bed.

Drinking alcoholic beverages can also cause night sweats. Alcohol affects your core body temperature, so if you like having a night cap all the time, you should expect to sweat it out a bit while you’re asleep. If you want to deal with night sweats completely, It would be ideal to refrain from drinking before you hit the hay.

Check if you have medical conditions or medications that can be causing your night sweats.

Lastly but also most importantly, you should also check if your night sweats are caused by an existing ailment or medications. Certain conditions can cause certain kinds of sweating and some of it can manifest when you’re asleep. Some medications can also cause night sweats as a side effect.

Don’t forget to perform proper mattress maintenance if you sweat in your sleep.

If you experience night sweats, we also request that you perform proper and regular mattress maintenance. The moisture your sweat transfers to your mattress can make it become dirty and gross, especially if you don’t do anything to clean it.

So to make sure that your mattress will always be in top shape despite the fact that you sweat while you sleep, follow these tips in maintaining your mattress.

Change your sheets regularly.

Once your sheets got soaked in sweat, you can already consider it to be dirty. Replace it with a new one to ensure that you won’t sleep on top of a gross bed sheet.

Removing sweaty bed sheets right away is also ideal. This will help you minimize the amount of sweat your mattress will absorb and lessen its exposure to moisture.

Typically, it’s already ideal to change sheets once a week. However, if you tend to sweat profusely in your sleep, it would be best to replace your sheets as often as you can.

Use a mattress protector if you really sweat a lot.

If you want to add a layer of protection to your mattress, you can also get a waterproof mattress protector. This will help you add another barrier between your sweat and your mattress which can help keep the later dry and protected from moisture.

Make sure to top it with bed clothes that are breathable and cool on the skin so you can further prevent sweating on your mattress directly.

Allow your mattress to breathe and dry up.

Giving your mattress the time to dry after getting sweaty is ideal. This will help keep your mattress fresh and will prevent potential bad odors and even mold.

To do this, you can take your mattress outside (if it’s not too heavy) so you can air it out and it can dry up. If you can’t do this, leave your mattress bare for a few hours at a time before putting on a new set of bed clothes. Make sure that the room is nicely ventilated while you do this so the air can help dry it up.

You can also sprinkle some baking powder on top of your mattress and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it. This will help remove the moisture from the mattress and clean its surface at the same time.

Night sweats may be pretty common but it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take measures to protect your mattress against the problem. Try out these tips and you might just find new ways to improve your zzz’s and better maintain your mattress.