Scientists are Really Making a Case for Sleeping In (for Night Owls)

If you’ve been following this blog for a while now, you’ll know that we’ve been sharing updates about sleep experts making discoveries left and right about how beneficial sleeping in can be. This piece of information, of course, is well-received by night owls and insomniacs alike. But as nothing is completely proven by scientists just yet, most experts still recommend sticking with a regular bedtime routine for the best results.

This is why this new study about night owls (or later chronotype) can be a game-changer. It basically backs up the study that claims night owls to have higher morbidity rates as wells as risks for heart disease and diabetes.

Experts believe that it has something to do with people’s biological clocks. Because being a night owl can be a genetic thing, the fact that they have to subscribe to a lark’s schedule can be the very thing that’s harming their wellbeing.

According to them, the mismatch between the night owl’s body clock and their surroundings can seriously disrupt their circadian rhythm which will possibly take a toll on their overall health in the long run. This can manifest in cardiovascular and metabolic issues.

So if you’re a night owl and you want to stay in top shape, what can you do? Scientists recommend finding a career and lifestyle where you can follow your internal clock. This shouldn’t be a big problem nowadays anymore, what with so many workplaces offering flexible work hours and shifting schedules.

Then again, if you’re not a night owl, it’s still best to stick with your regular sleep schedule. This is the best way to keep your body clock in tune with the rest of your body. This means that you’re not exactly encouraged to sleep in if you went to bed late the previous night. You can always take a nap, just don’t overdo it.

The bottomline: it’s best to stick with your internal clock according to your chronotype. It might just improve your health if you choose to do so.

If You Can’t Sleep, Don’t Sweat It

We know we always talk about how everyone should improve their sleep hygiene and what no. But this week, we’re taking the time to pause and remind everyone that you shouldn’t feel pressured about getting more zzz’s.

While getting quality slumber is vital for great health and performance, we recognize that sometimes, the pressure to transport yourself to dreamland at the end of the day can get overwhelming. So much so that people get anxious if they don’t fall asleep right away.

This worsens the problem and make sleep even harder to come by. Stress-related insomnia is a real thing, so if you’re always fretting about not getting enough zzz’s, it could beĀ  the very reason why you aren’t getting enough zzz’s. What’s worse, is that agonizing about your insomnia can also lead to more stress and even less sleep.

Studies have also shown that those who tend to fret about their stress-related insomnia tend to develop other health problems as well. This, of course, makes things even more worse because you don’t only have sleep deprivation to worry about but other ailments as well.

So, what should you do? Experts say to stop worrying about not getting enough sleep. We know this sounds easier said than done but it’s really your only choice. By resetting how you look at sleep, you might just have a better chance at improving it.

Sometimes, the answer to the most complicated questions is a very simple one. Give this a try and you might just transform your sleep for the better.

Sleep Deprived? We Also Have Memes for That

Sleep deprivation is one of the most frustrating things in the world that it’s just hard to find it not funny at some point. If you’re already in need of zzz’s, might as well just take it lightly instead of stress over it. Doing that can drive sleep away even further, so let’s just laugh it off with these memes, shall we?

not-sure-if-actually-funny-or-sleep-deprived1fd6ydme-im-going-to-bed-early-sleep-deprivation-26024171earthquakeso sleep deprivedbilly-madison-originalsound-of-music-originalwhytaken-original8 hrs 3 hrs

If you relate to these memes, here are some tips that might help you sleep better.

10 Sleep Memes Everyone In Love with their Beds Will Go, “Same”

If there are two things that can turn a manic Monday around, it would include memes and sleep for a lot of people. So why not combine them to start your week right? Here are some of our favorites:

cancelledhack5 hoursolympictrapped3 yearsmomsee your bedcan't waitplans

Having a good relationship with your bed can be one of the most enjoyable things to experience. Join in the fun by starting with the right mattress. Check out our selection here for the best picks.